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"where's your cock, tranny?"


Eric Sohn, Sohn Eric, Youngjae Sohn, Sohn Youngjae, Sohn Youngjae Eric, Sohn Yeongja Erica. 

You read that right, Eric used to be referred to as a girl. He's transgender. He has always been a boy, but he used to be called a girl. Only his parents knew that he  wasn't born in the right body. He paid for his own surgery to remove his breasts. They didn't support him. 

Eric was hoping no one would find out that he wasn't born in the right body but he didn't have that good of luck. It was his first class of the week, he was sitting next to a boy named Baek Kijung. 

Kijung was a terrible person, he was known for trying to get in peoples pants. So when Eric saw that he had to sit next to him. He knew he was more than likely screwed. Kijung pulled his normal Kijung moved and first put his hand on Eric's thigh. To be honest, if it weren't Kijung doing it, Eric probably would have been turned on. 

Eric hoped that Kijung wouldn't try and touch his genitals, it was bad enough that when he was turned on he had to except that his body wasn't male and he didn't have the correct gentials, but for someone else to touch him, for someone else to know, that made Eric terrified. 

Kijung did try and touch his genitals, and was seemingly disgusted when he didn't feel a cock in Eric's pants. Eric didn't think people needed to know that he didn't have a cock, they only needed to know that he was a man, well a boy because of his age. But nonetheless, he froze in fear when he felt Kijung try and touch him. 

"Where's your cock, tranny?" Kijung hissed putting his hand back on Eric's thigh, digging his nails into the boys skin. Eric regretted wearing shorts that day. 

"D-don't call me that." Eric whispered trying to push Kijung off his thigh. 

"Why? Do you like faggot better? Little girl?" Kijung pushed digging his nails in harder. 

Eric bit his fist as Kijung broke the skin on his thigh, there was now blood dripping down his thigh and tears running down his face. He was a man, Kijung had no right to call him that but it still made him shake. 

"Oh is the little girl crying?" Kijung smirked leaning back in his seat as he heard the blood hit the floor softly. 

Across from the two, someone was very angry with Kijung, well two people actually, maybe even more. 

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