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"You can live with me."

Word spread quickly that the Lee Sangyeon had got someone pregnant again. But what people were more shocked about was that he and Haknyeon were moving out of the dorm. The last time it happened, Sangyeon still lived in the dorm, so all assumed that if and when it happened again, he would do the same.

Sunwoo walked up to Sangyeon and Haknyeon, Hyunjoon and Chanhee behind him, confused as to what was happening. "Sangyeon-hyung." Sunwoo called as they stood infront of the tired boy.

"Whatcha' need, Kim?" He mumbled lifting his head from his arms, his forehead slightly indented by the cross pattern of the table.

"I heard about the situation of you not having a place to stay with your daughter, and Haknyeon-hyung, My parents just bought a new mansion for their summer home, and for me and the boys to stay. " Sunwoo started sitting down next to Sangyeon with his lunch tray, Chanhee and Hyunjoon sitting next to him.

"What bull are you spitting, kid?" The eldest boy asked confused as Haknyeon rubbed his back.

"You can live with me, Sangyeon."

Eric, Kevin, and Jacob were sitting at the kitchen counter, Pop Tarts in their hands. Eric's hands were shaking and his stomach hurt, a lot. "Kevin-hyung." He mumbled leaning his head against the elders arm.

"Yeah, Eric?" He smiled taking a bite about his Brown Sugar Cinnanom Pop Tart. The crumbs falling onto his shirt as well as Eric's hair.

"I need the flask please. I know you don't want to give it to me but i'm going to throw up if I don't get a form of alcohol or nicotine in me as soon as possible." He groaned grabbing his stomach.

"You don't need it, Youngjae." Kevin smiled as Jacob went to wake up Hyukjae and Juyeon.

Sangyeon stared at Sunwoo in shock. "Are you serious, kid? You-you'd do that for me." He stumbled over his words as Haknyeon nearly screamed at the boy.

"Of course, It's a fucking mansion, hyung. What would I need a mansion to myself for." Sunwoo smiled rubbing Sangyeons shoulder reassuringly.

"Th-thank you so much Kim. I need to call and tell Bomi. Thank you so so so so much." Sangyeon smiled, his eyes tearing up as he grabbed his phone to call his mothers and Bomi.

"You, Hyunjoon and Chanhee will have a room there too, if you want to stay." He explained to  Haknyeon.

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