#1- "I go where the wind goes"

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A week had passed since Kiara kissed Pope, but it felt like longer. Those short few seconds had taken over her life. She spent all day every day worrying about how to break it to Pope that she didn't like him like that. 

John B's POV:

I invited everyone over to go swimming in the marsh. Something was off with the group, although I couldn't exactly put my finger on it.

It was a long trip to collect everyone now there was also Sarah, but nobody seemed to mind. We went out a little bit farther than we usually did, it was just so relaxing sitting on the seats of the boat with water splashing in our face.


Kiara stood up at the end of the boat, feeling the water on her skin and wind whipping her hair around her face. As we neared the deeper part of the marsh she took off her shirt, which caused a whistle from JJ followed by a glare from Pope. She got ready to jump off before Pope joined her, again followed by a glare, this time from JJ.

Before anyone had registered what happened, Kiara had gone to the side of the boat and jumped off there. She was quickly followed by Sarah, then John B, then JJ and finally Pope. They spent the rest of the day having fun and jumping off the boat, simply enjoying their teenage years with their closest friends.

As the sun began to set, they took the boat towards Kiara's parents' cafe, where Kie managed to score them all some free food. They sat there until the stars began to sprinkle in, and one by one people went home until it was just Pope, JJ and Kiara. Pope was hesitant to say goodbye but also knew that making curfew was more important.

John B had taken the car so JJ had no way of getting home. Although the café was close to Kiara's house, she ended up taking JJ to his house on the boat. She felt it would be safer if he had someone go with him, Kie knew how bad things could get at home for him and perhaps having someone else there would be better.

For a few minutes, the world was full. All there was was the sky and the nearby marsh. JJ stood on the edge of the boat, much like Kiara did earlier. He yelled loudly, enjoying the freedom he was feeling.

"You're absolutely crazy! You know that right?" Kiara had to raise her voice to be heard over the sound of the boat. 

"You know it, I go where the wind goes Kie!" JJ had a smile on his face as he absorbed his surroundings. 

Ayyyy I'm actually kind of excited. The next few chapters might be a little bit plain but I'm going to hopefully update every other day. I'm currently writing another fanfic so I'm going to try and update the other one every other day, but I tend to get really bad writers block and also find it hard to stick to a schedule, so sorry if I don't post on a regular basis! <33

If Only ❆ JJ and KiaraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant