Attack Of The Mobs

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Dave had just arrived in the swamp biome. He was on the lookout for any signs of movement. He needed to find a slime to use for a rope. He searched every nook and cranny, but no luck. As dawn drew nearer he looked at his clock. It was two AM he needed to get back. As he cut his losses and was ready to go back he turned around and came to face to face with a creeper. It started making a hissing sound and it was expanding.

"Oh, no!"

"Oh, no" was right. the creeper blew up with a BANG!

Back in the desert Steve had heard the boom and began to worry for his friend. He walked in circles Hoping for the best.

Luckily Dave was alive, But he was nearly dead. He had half a heart, he needed to find food. Not only was he half dead and starving, but he was alone. He was alone in a cold hostile world with no sword to defend himself.

"What was I thinking when I didn't grab a sword!?" He yelled at himself.

Just then a zombie came out of nowhere and started attacking Him. He started running as fast as he could. (Which wasn't really fast since he was starving.)

"Wow I'm alone in the dark, with no weapon, no food, no company, and a zombie is chasing me. Just what the doctor ordered." He whined.

He then quickly dug a hole and covered the top. He hid until the sound of monsters faded away. Luckily it took only a few minutes until the sound was gone. When he got out he began searching for a slime again. He cut down the nearest tree and built a pickaxe. He then mined some stone and crafted a sword.

"Now I'll be ready for any monsters that dare attack me.

"Grrrrrr." Dave's stomach began to rumble. He nearly forgot that he was starving.

"Oh I need to find some food and fast."

He began to start punching oak tree leaves. after a while he had four apples in his hand. He munched them down and fulfilled his hunger.

"Ahh, much better," Dave said in a satisfied voice.

He hid behind a tree and waited and waited until finally, he heard the sound of a hopping slime.

"Yes, finally." Dave cheered silently.

He jumped out from behind the tree and began to attack the slime. After the slime was dead and Dave had the slimeballs, he just remembered he needed four pieces of spider web. Luckily he remembered you could make two leads out of just one slimeball and four pieces of spider web.

He searched and searched for the spiders. He listened for their hissing sound. After a little while he heard a faint hiss. However he couldn't tell where it was coming from. Dave looked and looked, but he couldn't find the spider. He scratched his head, he was stumped.

"Where could it be coming from." Dave wondered aloud.

Just then he found the spider in a way he hoped he wouldn't have to. The spider had leaped out of a nearby tree and knocked Dave to the ground. While being knocked over Dave had lost the grip on his sword and it flew out of reach. Dave wrestled with the spider trying to get it off of him. He kicked it off and quickly ran to his sword. The spider tried to leap onto Dave but landed right on his sword. Dave had slain the beast.

Unfortunately, he only had three pieces of web, he needed another. Tired of fighting monsters Dave decided to use sheep wool instead. He built a crafting table out of a nearby oak. He then killed two sheep and turned the wool into string.

"I finally have all of the supplies!" Dave cheered.

"Now I just have to go get them back to the village Steve is waiting for me in."

Dave set off towards the village and battled any monster that got in his way. He even found many useful resources. Like pumpkins, sugar cane, meat, apples, wool, and plenty of wood.

Then he finally made it back. Surprisingly Steve was still awake waiting for him. After Dave's long day of battling the swamp, he needed some rest. Steve crafted the leads for Dave. Then Dave placed his bed and fell to sleep

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