Chapter 26 - Lost and Found

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 Carol's POV:

I sighed and took a deep breath of the cool Paris air. I was the fetcher of food and possessions for the lair. I was normal and not wanted by the law so I could move undetected among the stores. I normally went out at night because I felt more comfortable with it. There were fewer people and I was turning into quite a recluse. I was growing to dislike people. I still socialized with Carly and Derek but not with many others. I knew nothing thing. Christine wouldn't have like this life. Ever since that day when I had met her I knew she wasn't made for the life I was living. She was bubbly and happy. This dark life wasn't made for her. I could see what Erik had seen her in her. She was beautiful and had a marvelous figure even though she was pregnant. She was a voice like an angel and eyes to match. The woman was perfect. I brushed my hands over my burns and sighed. How Erik could love me after loving that woman was beyond me. I didn't compare. Erik always said he loved my voice more because it reminded him of a siren. He thought it was wonderful. He liked that slightly dark side of my character.

I hurried down the streets of a less that pleasant part of town. Erik didn't like me going through there but it was shorter than going all the way around. I slipped among the shadows and get my lasso on hand. If anyone tried anything I could and would kill. As I slipped along, I heard a lovely song being sung by a small voice,

I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You would listen
To a gypsy's prayer
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to you
Still I see Your face and wonder
Were You once an outcast too?

God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
God help my people
We look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will

I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
Please help my people
The poor and down-trod
I thought we all were
The children of God
God help the outcasts
Children of God

I followed the voice and saw a little girl, holding a bundle and rocking it gently. Tears were poring down her cheeks as she sang. I walked closer and never made a sound. She never heard me. I looked into the bundle and saw a little baby. Both looked very sick and the girl had pot marks on her face. She couldn't have been more than nine but she was obviously taking care of her baby brother. I quietly spoke when she had finished,

“Are you okay?” The girl jumped and moved away from me. Her eyes were wide like a trapped animal. I smiled at her to show that I was kind. She held her brother close to her. She was so thin. I smiled again at her as I repeated,

“Are you okay?” She nodded quickly. I gave her the 'really' look and she sank to the ground crying, her brother still tucked in her arms.

“I am not. My mother abandoned me. I am a gypsy and my mother decided she didn't want me and my brother. We are both illegitimate. A man she wanted to marry wasn't willing to raise someone else's children.” The girl sobbed. She looked so lost. I reached forward and stroked her shoulders. I couldn't leave the out in the cold. I knew there was only one place for me to take them. I had to take them home. Carly would take then in, I knew. Her heart was big but she was pregnant. I couldn't leave two homeless children on her doorstep when there was lots of room in the lair. I stood up and said,

“Come home with me.” The girl stared at me and my extended hand. She reached up carefully and took it.

“Where do you call home?” I smiled.

“Under the Opera House.” Her eyes went wide.

“That is where the Phantom lives.” I nodded and stooped down to her level.

“Are you easily frightened?” She shook her head. “Would you be able to handle seeing someone who looks like a corpse. No nose, and golden eyes.” She nodded quickly.

“I could handle anything if I can get out of the cold.” I laughed.

“You will have a bath, new clothes, and a warm bed. I can only hope that Erik doesn't mind. I still don't know how he feels about children.” I took the girls hand and led her back to the Opera House. This was going to be interesting. 

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