bokuto kotaro: good morning

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+a/n: this chapter is dedicated to everyone's simp joyful_origins

you love your boyfriend —the one and only bokuto kotaro— with all your heart, really

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you love your boyfriend —the one and only bokuto kotaro— with all your heart, really. why else would you stay in a ten-year-long relationship with the boisterous volleyball geek?

you loved the way his eyes sparkled whenever he was on the court, you loved his unwavering positivity, you loved his overwhelming affectionate self that never failed to give anyone and every one his bone-crushing hugs, you loved every single thing about him— every single good and questionable characteristic of his.

even all the way down to his random 'hey hey hey's. it never failed to make you crack into a smile on a bad day.

one thing, however, this one single thing has been the reason the two of you had gotten into arguments a lot (mostly just you complaining but), and this was none other than his sleeping habits.

his is definitely an active person in the day, preoccupied with volleyball practice and games almost every single day of the week. but you did not expect your boyfriend to be that active in bed at night.

no, not that kind of active.

he had the tendency to move around a lot when he's asleep. you had no clue he was so violent when he was fast asleep. he moved around a lot. one time the two of you slept side by side, you woke up with a bruise after he unintentionally kicked you.

he had also slapped you on the face. and with the boy being a professional volleyball player. needless to say, you immediately jolted up from your slumber, ready to lunge at your attacker only to learn the next morning that he was dreaming about the two of you going on a date and he was just trying to reach out to you.

with the fear of hurting you as well as you being terrified of getting attacked in the middle of the night, the two of you came up with a schedule. where you slept on the bed on even days of the month while he slept on the couch and vice versa on odd-numbered days.

you knew he was always concerned about whether or not you were comfortable on the couch and he was afraid you may end up hurting your back but you were just as worried the same may happen to him and it would end up threatening his career as a professional athlete.

hence, for his beloved girlfriend, he would strictly wake up at 5 am every morning for his morning run and so that you can sleep on the bed instead of the couch on days it was his turn.

he definitely had a difficult time trying to carry you to the bed without waking you up unintentionally and would often try to chant to himself, "please don't wake up, please don't wake up, please don't wake up— oh shoot i kicked a dumbbell— SHIT."

but now, he's a natural at waking up early just so you can have a much more comfortable sleep.

the alternating schedule has been in place for several months and bokuto didn't like it one bit since he would much rather be clinging onto you for a whole night after a long day of volleyball drills and practice.

"ne, (f/n)-chan," bokuto called out lovingly as the two of you were getting ready for bed.

"hmm?" you simply hummed in response as you laid you pillows on the couch to make it cosier for a nights rest.

"can we sleep on the bed together, tonight?"
he pleaded. you could sense him trying to hold himself back from whining.

"no, kotaro, i still want to wake up with my limbs attached and without any bruises on me," you sighed, "that rooster head bastard kuroo may start teasing me non-stop thinking they're hickies," you grimaced at the thought of having to deal with kuroo.

"i don't mind giving you hickies instead—" bokuto failed to continue his words as a flying pillow meet his face.


"heh," he smiled sheepishly before he walked over to your side and effortlessly pulled you onto the bed, circling his arms around your waist and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, "please? can we please sleep together on the bed? i promise i won't move around as much, i promise!"

it was easy to tell that he would probably fall into his emo mode if you didn't agree soon enough, "bokuto—"

"really! if i do, i'll do the laundry and dishes for the rest of the month!"

oh, that's a tempting offer. you hated doing the chores (with a passion).

"f-fine! but if you do end up moving too much, i'll push you off the bed, immediately."


all you could do was chuckle at his antics as he pulled you close to him. just as the first bit of cold wind creeps under your shirt bokuto's hand moves around your middle, warm and soft. in seconds, his body is moulded to your own, sharing his body heat as he shares his heart.

before you knew it, the rays of sunshine were creeping in through the blinds of the bedroom, it was already day.

"good morning," bokuto joyfully chirps as soon he realised you were awake, shuffling under the sheets.

"good morning, ko," you managed squeak amidst his very, very, very possessive hug, as you wrapped your arms around his torso and hug him close, "you didn't go for your morning run?"

he offers a pleased grin as he proudly says, "nope! couldn't waste my first morning with you sleeping next to me like that, i'll run in the evening."

you tried your best to hide the heated blush that was evidently creeping up to your cheeks, facing downward as you just hugged him closer.

"looks like akaashi's advice worked!" he giddily says, "he said to hug you reaaaaaaally close and tight the whole night so my mind would subconsciously be aware you're that here so i wouldn't hurt you!"

maybe you should drop akaashi a text, later on, to thank him for giving him the supposedly useful advice so you could cuddle with bokuto for the whole night again.

but now, you're just going to appreciate the moment. it has been a while.

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