Chptr 27: Doubting

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Your POV

I heard a ding, so I checked my phone.

DIG!✊: Barry is in the pipe line as well. He was about to run to you. Oliver woke up and is really upset. Everybody else, doesn't know.

Me: Thank you again. I owe you BIG time.

I put my phone away and went to where Jacob told me to go. To my surprise, they were there.

"You're early..... like a week early."

"How did you know?"

"We are in Furries mind. What do you think?! Now..... let's fight." He said getting ready. Before I could say anything I was knocked out by the wraith flying passed me.

"Oww. Jerks! I don't want to fight you. I want to save you." I said as I held my stomach from the rough impact.

"We don't need saving, but you will." Jacob said before he picked me up with telekinesis.

"How do you have powers?!" I yelled as he threw me to the ground. "See you killed me with Furries powers and now I will do the same."

There was a shield around me that blocked their powers.

"What the heck?" I said as I looked at Jacob, who was clearly angry.

I was extremely confused, but thankful.

"This fight is between us and no on else." Jacob said in anger.

"Jacob I don't want to fight you. You are my best friend. And if Furrie fights you, we both won't win. Just please trust me. Let me save you. I always loved you.... Not the same way you did, but I still loved you. I met you before I even met Bartholomew. Just please, let me save you."

He had tears in his eyes. He looked like he was giving in, but then he shook his head.
"No, you killed me! Who does that to a person they love?!"

I had tears in my eyes. "I didn't kill you Furrie did. I want to save you. Please Jacob. Please."
After I said that, the shield protecting me disappeared. I was walking towards Jacob.

"I love you. I care about you.. Let me save you."

Before he could reply I was stabbed.

"NOOO!" Jacob yelled as he ran towards me. I couldn't really feel him, but maybe it was because he wasn't fully alive.

"(Y/N/N), are you okay?"
He asked me as he tried holding my wound.

"I'm not, but will be. I just need to save you." I said as tears started running down my cheeks.

"You already did. I needed to know that you loved me. I just needed closure. I don't need you to save me anymore. You have to let me save you, now. Let's go to STAR Labs."

He carried me to STAR Labs and I tried calling Diggie.

Phone Call:

Me: Heyy Uh.. Dig.. Can... you-

Dig: Where are you?

Me: Star-

Dig: I'm almost there. I have to take evryone with me. And I have to let out Barry and Oliver.

Me: Ouah. O-okay.

Dig: Hang in there.

Me: I g-go-got th-this.

I hung up and Jacob was right next to me.

"I never wanted to kill you. I just never thought I'd get closure, especially because some girl saw us and told us all you wanted to do was kill us again." He said with tears in his eyes.

After a few seconds of us just looking at eachother Diggie came. He saw Jacob and took out his gun.

"N-no. He- he bro-brought m-m-me here." I tried to say I was losing more and more blood.

"Cisco's getting the guys." Diggie said. Before he could say anything else, Barry was already in the room looking at my cut.

"DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD LEAVE ME TO FIGHT AND FUCKING GET HURT?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED (Y/N)! DO YOU EVEN CARE?! ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME!" To say he was furious was an understatement. But once he say my face his reaction softened.

"I'm s-sorry." I said as best I could.

Oli soon came in. "WHERE THE FUCK IS (Y/N)?!" Everyone tried calming him down. Before noticing me, Caitlyn came in and started doing her magic.

Oliver and Barry started blaming everything on Jacob, who just had a worried look as he saw what Caitlyn was doing. Joe even tried shooting him, but the bullet went right through him.

After a few more hours Cailtyn had just finished stitching me up.

"Guys let me explain." Everyone had just came in the infirmary room. They all glared at Jacob.

"Jacob didn't hurt me... He saved me."

Barry wasn't as shook as everyone else.

"I know." He said with anger fuming out of his ears.

"The Wraith attacked me. I don't know how I will save him." Oliver came up to me. "You can't do that to us. You have to let us be there for you."

Barry didn't say anything.

"Allen how did you know he didn't hurt me?" I asked him as he glared Jacob.

"I could see from the cameras that were in my cell. Cisco put them, just in case I had to be in the pipe line."

"Then why are you so mad at him?!" I raised my voice at him, trying to get his attention.


"I LOVE  HIM AS A FRIEND! HE SAVED ME BECAUSE HE LOVES ME THE SAME WAY! I LOVE YOU, ALLEN! WHY ARE YOU DOUBTING ME?! WHY ARE YOU DOUBTING US?! DO YOU LOVE ME?!" I yelled and everyone had an awkward expression. But Barry's expression softened. He looked at me and tried holding me.

"No. Let me be." I said, almost to a whisper.
I left with the assistance of Caitlyn, Iris, and Jacob. Barry just stood there shocked.

I couldn't believe Barry and I had the biggest fight in front if everyone. Why would he doubt us? Why would he doubt me? That's when it hit me... I started doubting myself when the Wraith came, but now I know I can't doubt. I can do this. I just have to fight of Caitlyn and Iris. That would be easy.

"Guys... Let me Go.." I said. They did just that.

"I'm sorry."

The girls both had shocked looks in their faces. My stomach was shining through the shirt and when I pulled up me shirt I saw a (Y/F/C) lighting around my cut and it was gone. Just like the shield...

Forgetting about it, I ran away from them and went back to the Wraith with Jacob behind me.

We finally got there and Jacob looked at me. "Bartholomew doesn't doubt you.. He's just scared. From one friend to another, don't let doubt ruin your relationship. You are both supposed to be together." I hugged him and he felt real.

"(Y/N)?! I-I'm real! I mean I'm really fully alive!" I had tears on my eyes.

"We did it." I said as I held his arms.

He playfully punched my shoulders. "No, you did it."

I finally noticed that: if I can save Jacob, then I can save the Wraith! But Jacob couldn't get hurt so, I took him back to STAR Labs.

"Please don't hurt him.... I just saved him." I said before running away, again. I new Barry wouldn't be able to catch me, so I didn't really worry.

I was looking for the Wraith... I noticed he didn't say anything while we were fighting.

He finally came and almost attacked me.

"HEY! What do you want!? I can help you!!" I yelled as he was flying around.

He almost attacked me before I looked him in the eyes and he said, "H-hOmE!"

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