Important stuff

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Before we get into all of the story stuff, I wanted to get all of the important stuff out of the way such as triggers (we want everyone safe and having a good time out here) and what the actual plot is gonna be. If there's ever anything triggering that I haven't warned about here then PLEASE tell me so that I can warn others!

Toxic "stan" culture
Self esteem issues

There will NOT be any NSFW. There will be NSFW jokes, similar to the ones George and Dream make themselves and similar to band stan tweets, but writing NSFW about two very real people - even in an au where I'm only using their characterisations - just doesn't sit right with me.

No matter how 'dumb' it may seem, it may be a trigger for someone else (nobody chooses their triggers!) and I'd hate to unknowingly put someone in danger, so no questioning or making fun of the warnings! With that out of the way, here's what you're getting yourself into:

Dream is the lead singer of a famous band called (Dream)ing Of The Disco. BadBoyHalo is the backing vocals, Skeppy is the drummer and A6d is the guitarist. Clay, Zak, Vincent And Darryl all have stages names: Dream, Skeppy, A6d and BadBoyHalo. George is a hardcore fan of (Dream)ing Of The Disco and Nick is his begrudging best friend. Nick is a streamer under the name Sapnap with a decently sized following. While George doesn't stream, he's a big figure on Sapnap's streams. Sapnap ends up getting his hands on backstage tickets to one of (Dream)ing Of The Disco's concerts in London, two days after George's birthday. It all goes to hell from the moment Dream's eyes find George.

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