In the kitchen with Melinda May

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It was Day 3 and I decided to test out what Ms Daisy said.

I knew Ms May - wait no I'm to call her May now - would normally be up very early to do her Tai Chi, so I forced myself to wake up early too.

I didn't want to disturb May for obvious reasons, so I waited, occasionally looking at the cameras to see where she was at. When she was finally done, I leapt out of my seat and dashed of the find May.

"Ms- I mean, May! May!" I called.

"Peter? Why are you up so early?"

"Come." I tugged on her hands. "Please?"

May agreed and I brought her to the kitchen. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Kid, I'm sure you know I can't cook. Either Daisy or Fitz would have told you that."

"Ms Daisy told me. But I don't believe it."

I would then spend the next hour regretting my choice to try and teach May to cook.

After the umpteenth failure (seriously how can someone burn water?), I decided to try something else.

I ran back to my room, fished out an old leather book, and dashed back to the kitchen. May raised an eyebrow at the book in my hands.

"What's that?" May asked.

"This?" I lifted the book. "It was my mum's old recipe book. After she died, my Aunt May kept it safely. But once I started baking with Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky, she showed me the book and it's filled with a lot of different recipes. I can't remember all, so I brought it here in case I wanted to bake something."

I cleared a small area on the kitchen and placed in gently. I loved this book, because 1. It was my mum's. And 2. It housed all the yummy recipes that I have yet to try all.

I flipped opened to a particular page and grinned. "May, today we are going to bake some chocolate chip cookies!" I declared.

10 minutes later...

"And now, we wait because the cookie dough need to set." I said, picking up the bowl and putting it in the kitchen. "We are making chocolate cake next. Or should we make cheese cake?" I mused.

I checked my book. Cheese cake would take long, because we needed to hardened the cookie at the bottom, as well as set the cheese and the jelly. Chocolate cake was obviously easier, which is something that should be okay for someone like May. Melinda May. Not Aunt May. Even though both Mays can't cook/

"Peter? May?" Daisy appeared at the doorway with a 'wtf' (you know, the one she showed when Jemma failed at distracting Jasper Sitwell in Season 1?) look on her face.

"Peter you do recall me telling you that May can't cook?" Daisy knocked on the window, looking in.

I made my way to the door and opened it, sticking my head out to face Daisy. "You can come in, you know. And yes, May can't cook because I tried teaching her. She burnt water. Water." I shook my head. "I'm teaching her baking now."

"Oh good luck then. I will not be present to watch May blow up the kitchen if she ever does. Bye!" Daisy waved, and left.

This got me thinking. If May did blow up the kitchen, will I be blamed? I mean I did drag May down to cook...

"May? Promise me you won't blow up the kitchen?"

"I can't be that bad right?"

"You're putting salt in it instead of sugar..." My voice trailed out at the end.

This was a bad idea.

Time skip to when the cookie dough is done. Which means afternoon-ish to evening-ish I think.


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