Fly... Run... Stick... Strength

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I groaned as I woke up, once again in the containment module room. Yesterday, Lincoln said that Daisy and him would be helping me adjust to my new-found powers, and after yesterday, I wasn't too excited.

"Okay, so first off, how do you feel now?" I had breakfast about an hour ago and was back in my 'room', with Daisy and Lincoln facing me.

"Um, like I can't really stop moving."

"Can you control the urge?"

"Am I moving now?" I asked weakly.

"Your leg keeps bouncing up and down. That isn't often, is it?" Daisy pointed out.

I let out a breath. "Only if I drink coffee. When I do that, I get super hyped for about a day. Mr Stark  lets me go crazy. I drank coffee twice and that's what happened." I explained, a small smile slipped onto my face as I thought about the memories.

"Hm. Well, no more coffee for you then." Lincoln hummed. "Can you walk? Without running?"

I shrugged. "Probably not. I've just been siting on this bed for a while already."

"Try it." Lincoln advised.

I nodded my head and stood up. I managed to take two steps forward before I lost control, thanks to the door opening so suddenly.

Of course, I reacted fast enough, crouching on the floor to stick myself to the floor even more. Coulson stepped in.

"Oh, I didn't know you were busy." Coulson said. "Just, Lincoln, you're needed for a mission. That guy is still running loose, can you handle him? I'm sending in Mack and Bobbi too."

Lincoln stood up. "Okay." Then, he glanced at me. "What about Peter?"

I unstuck one of my hands. "I'll be fine." I waved it off. "Just," Grunts, "Need to go back to the bed." I slowly crawled over to the bed, shot a web and pulled myself up.


Okay, so everyone said I was a pretty fast learner. I wasn't too sure about that, but that's what everyone agreed on when I managed to walk around normally without randomly zooming off.

My flight... Not so much.

Who knew some boring and basic-sounding powers are so hard to control?

Somehow, Mack, Bobbi and Lincoln brought back the guy they were searching for, also an Inhuman. One that can sense Tech, it seems.

When I fly, or rather when I randomly zoom up, it's actually easier to control. Like I can't control myself to stay on the ground, but when I'm in air, it's quite easy to land again. So maybe flight isn't that bad of a problem.

It might be a problem tomorrow, though. When I first asked Bobbi, she told me that both her and May would teach me to fly tomorrow. They were apparently free tomorrow, no missions, nada.

I just hope I don't die.

𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 | adventures with shieldWhere stories live. Discover now