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The four young men carefully exited the men's room. They went down the hallway, Blaze in the front, making sure to remain quiet. The loud noises only increased in volume and happened more frequently as time went by. Once they reached the entrance of the ballroom, Blaze poked his head in to see the situation. It was chaotic.

A man in a bullet proof vest with a helmet covering the front of his face, stood in the middle of the ballroom. All the guests looked terrified as he paced the floor. A few tables were flipped over and broken glass scattered the area. Blaze saw that his friends were in the corner still where their table was at, trying to stay low. He could see the wheels turning in Laurance, Elizabeth, and Aphmau's brains as they devised a plan. Blaze also saw a window broken on the left side wall, signaling on how the party crashed came in.

"Howler!", The man shouted, his voice modified through something in his helmet. "Come out and fight me! It's been a while and I would like to see how you've improved!"

"Howler do you know who that is?", Vylad whispered, worry growing in his face.

"I don't have the slightest clue,", The hero admitted. "So that's why you two should leave the building while I take care of him."

"Our parents-", Vylad started but, Blaze sternly said; "Will be fine. Now, either stay here or leave the building."

"You don't even have a weapon! How are you going to fight off this guy?", Zane quietly asked.

"Amina, suit up!", Blaze said mentally. His black carbofiber suit appeared as well as his ears and tail. His claws formed as well with daggers strapped to his belt.

"You were saying?", Blaze asked.

The two didn't have anything else to say and Blaze went back to thinking of a plan. He knew on the inside that the Ro'Meaves may not be safe just out in the hallway but, if he left the building, he might struggle getting back in on time to save everyone else. The hero balanced out pros and cons of each plan. Then, an idea struck him.

"Okay...I'm going to instruct the guests to evacuate. I need you two to guide them outside the building. I'll make sure your parents get out unharmed as well,", Blaze instructed the young brothers. "Please be careful though."

Vylad and Zane nodded, looking inside as well to see the situation unravel.

"So much for a special event,", Zane mumbled. "Dad's going to be pissed for the next month..."

Blaze ignored the statement, already knowing that it was probably a common reaction from the father. In fact, the hero was upset that this is how the whole milestone event was ruined. Even if he didn't like Garroth's family, he at least wanted the event to be perfect for his late partner. So, it acted as motivation for his further actions.
He ran into the room shouting; "Hey, party crasher! I'm sure you weren't invited to this!"

The man turned and chuckled; "There you are. I was afraid you left Howler. I know how much you're uncomfortable during this fundraiser. On the brighter side,", The man summoned a sword in his hand, the blade being a dark red shade, "I can serve as a distraction."

The man charged, immediately swinging his sword at Blaze once he was close enough. It met with his claws and Blaze got a good example of how strong this guy truly was. "Not to shabby" is all he could think of.

"Aphmau! Try to get the guests to safety,", Blaze shouted over to his friend in the corner. Aphmau, Dante, Travis, and Katelyn all started to guide guests out of the ballroom where Vylad and Zane guided them through the hallway to the front door. Blaze would've hoped it was a bit more organized but, he blame the people for their panic. Elizabeth and Laurance decided to turn tables on their sides to create barrier so people could duck away from the fighting.
Laurance desperately wanted to help his friend but, he didn't have a weapon at disposal. Luckily, Elizabeth did. She pulled out a shotgun from her purse and had it at the ready if her Agent couldn't handle it.

Shadows Lingering//A Glaze AU//Sequel to 'A Superhero's Heart'حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن