two; edited.

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two - the ceremony

   When I woke up this morning, I was filled with two completely different feelings; dread and happiness.  I was happy to finally be 18 but at the same time, I was dreading tonight knowing I would be taken by a "Boss" who has known me for the longest time.  

I did not understand that part the most.  My whole life, I have been sheltered by my parents and my older brother.  Unlike the other kids,  I was not allowed to go out and have a social life and meet new friends.  Instead, my mother expected me home by a certain time, homework done before 9 pm (unless I was lucky enough to let her give me an extra hour), and already in bed by at least 10:30 pm.  If not, I was punished "correctly" as Mother would say by taking away my favorite books I enjoyed reading or no TV for a week or two. 

My brother never grew up with these rules which made me very jealous of him.  He was very popular at school, made lots of friends and played sports altogether.  Father would teach him things he would need to know for his future.  He was taught how to change a tire, how to set up furniture, and other little things like that. 

Not that I wanted to learn those things, but at the same time, I also did not want to learn how to perfectly cook a great meal, three times a day and how to please a man in many ways.  I wanted to learn from my Father somethings but he always yelled at me for even asking "such a ridiculous question" and that "I should be ashamed of myself", "I am only a weak woman".

I remember one day when I was little, I tried to impress Father by showing him how I knew all the names for the tools he uses and that I should help him build my school project.  Instead, he laughed in my face and told me to go back to the kitchen and that I was more useful there.  I remember running up to Mother, tears streaming down my face and she tried comforting me but I was so hurt by his words and to this day, he has still not apologized for hurting me that way. 

I wanted to be more than just a housewife, I wanted to help people.  I wanted to be a doctor and make everyone feel better when they would walk out of the hospital.  Unfortunately, I was born female.

At this time, I knew my dreams would never come true. 

I heard snapping, which directed me out of my thoughts.  I looked up to see my Mother holding up two elegant gowns as she let out a scoff. 

"Did you hear anything I just said, Iris Claire?" She snapped, giving me a small glare to which I proceeded to let out a tiny groan. 

"Mother, I just woke up.  I didn't mean to not pay attention.  You know how distracted I get in the morning..." I glanced off before giving her the puppy eyes I knew she couldn't resist.  She gave me a small before sitting on the bed and giving me a tight hug.  

"I know but I just cannot believe how old you are!  Plus your ceremony is tonight, aren't you excited?" She said with enthusiasm. 

"Very excited," I lied before looking at the dresses that laid on the floor, "What are these?"

"I'm glad you asked.  They are two dresses I decided from when I got engaged to your father.  It's been awhile since I worn them but I bet they fit you perfectly so I was wondering if you would like to wear one for your ceremony?" She exclaimed, her smile brighter than anything. 

"Of course I will."


   My father, Mother, and I had finally arrived at the convention and took our seats that were very close the front which made my mother pretty excited.  

"Honey, you're close to the front which means someone of wealth has chosen you as their wife.  I am so proud of you!" She quietly exclaimed, her eyes beaming and the smile growing on her face.  I gave her a small one before looking back at the stage with a frown.  I knew this is what the man at the market meant by "Boss", a wealthy, powerful boss.  

The thought of just that made my heart race and the butterflies in my tummy even worse.  I felt like I was going to vomit at any time, which I did not want to happen tonight.   

"Welcome Ladies and their Parents to the Annual Day of Courting Ceremony.  We are glad you could make it and we are ready to jump into the Ceremony.  First up...."  

I dozed off while he was calling some of the names of the girls' sitting in front of me.  Some were crying, and some were happy.  In the end, they have no more freedom.  They only belong to a lowlife of a man.  

"Iris Claire Daniels."

I felt myself freeze but I had to force myself to get up and walk towards the stage.  I heard my Mother clapping from behind me as I made my way up.  I stood in front of the presenter, whose name I never learned before he opened up the folder that held my fate.  

I felt myself become more scared as he paled, looked up and said, 

"Your match is with the Leader of the Black Hawks Mafia, the American Mafia, Harry Edward Styles."

And at that moment, I was surprised I did not throw up, but instead, I passed out. 

author's note; 


thank you, Maddie. 

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