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A/N: Heres a 30 minute early update! Don't forget to leave a like and a comment. I hope all of you are staying safe, and staying home. Keep reading, and keep yourself busy!  Also belated Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrated! 💖


Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to not unpack as soon as I got here. I was supposed to because Veronica was constantly on my back about it, that woman didn't even let me rest for a second.

I'm staring at all my stuff and I just don't know if I have the energy to unpack after my first day of school here in Shakespeare. I sometimes wonder why Dad had to send me to Shakespeare out of all places, I mean it's not like it would've been any different if he sent me to an apartment in Toronto or even just Liverpool in England.

He wanted to me to be away from big trouble and stay in a small town where trouble doesn't even exist.

The door slams open and in comes the noisiest person on this planet.

"Honey, I'm home!" Ugh, she's so weird.

"Shut up, Ver. What food did you bring?" Her green eyes stare me down, "Is my baby brother annoyed by me already?"

I nod, "Your existence is infuriating."

"So is yours but I'm not saying anything."

She puts the grocery shoppers that were in her hands on the kitchen table. "I got everything from junk to vegetables. I wasn't sure what you liked now, but I got those pocky sticks you liked as a kid." She remembers.

"Those are still my favourite snack, thank you."
I help her unload the shoppers and see all kinds of snacks. Veronica and I might have been away from each other for a while, but we always tried to talk to each other every day when I was in Japan. That's why we're like this right now. A sibling relationship should always work like this, in my opinion.

"I forgot to ask, how was your first day?"

I shrug, "It was okay, I guess. It reminded me of a very undisciplined school, and you know I'm used to getting embarrassed in front of everyone."

"The fact that you actually like getting embarrassed just means you need to get checked up. Was there any class you found interesting?"

"Creative Writing."

She turns around to face me, "You took Creative Writing?" I nod my head. "Why?" She asks.

"I wanted something different, plus, it's supposed to be a mark booster."

"Now you want a mark booster after all those failing grades in the past? I admire your confidence but all the teachers in Creative Writing are hard. Especially that one teacher... What was her name? Mrs. Oliver? Olina?"


"Yes, her! She's one interesting teacher."

She's my teacher. "Why is she interesting?"

Veronica walks out of the kitchen and I follow her out. I realized she's not standing straight, she's slumping. She must be really exhausted if she's slacking like that. She plops down on the couch.

"She makes students do assignments that involve a ton of feelings. Feelings that are just not meant to be felt."

"What does that even mean?"

"Nothing. If you're not in her class, you'll be fine."

I should probably tell her that I'm in her class. First, cause I actually am. Second, I want her to finish explaining whatever she started talking about.

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