Chapter 1

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"Seriously, Mandy I'll be fine." I was packing my suitcase to go and study abroad in Paris, France.

"Why Paris? Why not New York?" Amanda cried. Amanda and I have known eachother since we were 5 years old. We always wanted to go to the same college and guess what? We did.

"We live in New York. That's not studying abroad." I explained to her. I have lived in New York my whole life and I love it here. Well I didn't always love it. In Middle school I was bullied. It's even worse when you are bullied by someone who you thought cared about you. Niall Horan was one of those people.


One day I was walking into school and Niall was standing by my locker like he always does. I walked over and greeted him with the biggest hug ever. "Today is going to be a good day Niall i can feel it." I was so excited for today. Today was my birthday. I was turning the big 14.

"Come on Morg I have a big suprise for you." Niall grabbed my hand and we started walking for the Cafeteria. I was so excited to see what he had planned for me, Niall was the king of gift giving. We walked into the cafe and I immediately hid behind Niall. Kim, Seth, Johannah and Curt were all standing there. They were the biggest bullies of all time.

"Morgan stop hiding behind Niall he's not going to protect you." Seth laughed.

I looked at Niall as he walked over to them and sat down at a table. He looked nervous, terrified actually. He was abandoning me.

"Niall is one of us now so don't think you can go to him with all your problems anymore." I started too cry. I think anyone in my position would cry. Niall my best friend was now my enemy.

"How could you Niall?" I whaled. I ran out of the room scared of what they were going to do to me.

My birthday was on June 1st and it was now the last day of school, June 21st. 20 days of going to school and being tormented by him. I will never forgive him.

End of Flashback

"I have to go I'm going to miss my flight." I embraced Amanda with the biggest hug ever and then walked out of my dorm. I started to walk down the hall and Adam came flying out of his room, knocking me over.

"Ouch!" I screamed falling back into my suitcases.

"Shit Morg I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." He said helping me up. "Obviously." I said under my breath.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I looked at him as he intently studied his biology textbook.

"Big bio test today. I'm so nervous I threw up about three times in the last 10 minutes." He looked as though he was going to vomit again because he quickly covered his mouth. I took that as my cue to leave.

"Bye Adam good luck," I started walking down the hall, "No funny business with Mandy while I'm gone."

"Can't make any promises!" He shouted from down the hall. I rolled my eyes and walked out of school with a smile on my face. After living in New York for so many years I could now call a cab with no problem. Lucky for me, my cab driver barely spoke English. I managed to make it to the right airport, payed the driver and got my bags out of the trunk.

I approached the doors of the airport and noticed someone all to familiar. I noticed his blonde hair from afar and as I walked closer I could finally make out who he was.

"Morgan?" Niall gasped. I just stood there dumbfounded at who was standing in front of me.

"I thought I'd never see you again!" He sort of looked like he was going to cry but I wasn't falling for it.

"Yeah me neither." I think I sounded more harsh then I intended because my mind was racing a mile a minute. I turned and walked into the airport making a beline for the terminal. I heard someones footsteps behind me and knew it was him. I turned around and poked him in the chest.

"Stop following me, I'll call airport security." I attempted to threaten him. He looked so different. I mean he had the same blonde hair and blue eyes, but he was taller, muscular and had a gorgeous smile. What was I thinking, I hated him.

"I'm not following you, I'm simply walking to my flight which happens to be boarding right now. So if you'll excuse me I need to go." No fucking way.

"Niall wait!" I ran to catch up to him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to board my plane." He laughed

"No I mean why are you boarding a plane? Where are you going?" I asked nervous for his answer.

"Me and my friemds decided to go to Paris for a year to take a break from work." He said.

"No." I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Where are you off to?" Niall asked me.

"Paris." I was loosing my mind

"What are the odds that we are going to be on the same plane going to the same place? I'll tell you right now what the odds are, little to none." He smirked an evil smirk as we waited in line to board the plane. This was going to be a long year.

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