2.2: The Red Room

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As expected Natalia's training shifted. It became more violent. The techniques that had been beaten into her for her ballet training were now being adapted to use in combat. She was being trained to use her sexuality more. At fifteen she wasn't even sure she had any sexuality to use, and yet she was being trained to get men to bend to her every whim through their desire to have her.

They hadn't started making her kill people. Yet. It would come. When she could take someone's life without hesitation then she would graduate and they would sterilize her. It was only a matter of time.

The Soldier was always around. The way they treated him was like he was more beast than human. They often referred to him as the asset, but even an asset was usually treated better than he was. At best they ignored him. Making him stand for hours on end just watching the girls practice. At worst they seemed to take joy in torturing him. More than once the screams he made as they did whatever they did to him, carried through the dorms as the girls were being chained into bed.

Most of her training was now with the Soldier. Natasha was one of the best, and aside from Yelena she could best all the other girls. The soldier though, he was another story. His training was more advanced than anyone's she'd ever seen like he'd been practicing it for an entire lifetime. Like it had been beaten into him so hard it was now in his DNA. He moved like water. Every strike she tried to land he flowed past and then countered. If she tried to block him he seemed to know and was already in position to land another blow.

Time and time again she ended up pinned by him. Dangling against the wall, his metal fingers around her throat. Her body pressed against his with the metal of his forearm pressed against her throat. Pinned to the ground pushing her head into the hardwood floor.

"Try harder girl or maybe we let the Soldier take what he wants next time." One of the Winter Soldier's handlers sneered.

The man next to him laughed and sneered. "He'd like that, wouldn't you? Show her that you're a man."

The sneers were not unusual. Sex was used as a weapon in the Red Room. One she needed to be trained to used and one that was used against her. The soldier never acted on these threats made by the others. Whether it was because it was never a direct order and he only ever complied when it was a direct order, she wasn't sure. There were times at night when she was chained into her bed that she imagined them one day deciding to make the order, just so that they could watch him take the thing they had time and time again denied them.

She liked to believe he wouldn't though. It might have been more a hope than anything else, but his eyes. There was something there. He wanted to be here less than she did. There was a kindness to his eyes. A softness that didn't match the hard exterior. It accompanied the panic that screamed from them every time he was ordered to come at her.

The soldier's grip relaxed at the taunt and Natasha slipped free, running straight at the guards. The one at the left raised his gun, not that he was allowed to shoot her. Her life was much more valuable than his. The man on the right pulled out a club and raised his arm.

Things happened in slow motion, Natasha kicked the guy with the club and caught his arm, wrenching the weapon from his hand. She used it to knock the rifle from the other guy's hands, breaking his fingers in the process. The club swung back hitting the first guy in the head as she swung around and kicked the second in the groin. Both fell to the ground and she just started laying into both of them smashing one and then the other again and again with the club while the Soldier watched on impassive. "Threaten to have him rape me again!" She screamed. "Threaten to make him do the thing I'll make sure you'll never be able to do again!"

"Asset!" One of the men choked out. "Stop her!"

The Winter Soldier moved quickly. She struggled against him, each punch and kick was blocked and deflected until Natalia was pressed against the floor face first and the club cutting off her airway.

"Do it, Asset. Fuck that little bitch. Make her regret she's alive." One of the men seethed as he tried to get back to her feet.

The soldier faltered before his hand gripped at the waistband of her pants. She struggled against him kicking her feet. "Please don't do this." She pleaded.

The Soldier faltered. His hands relaxing a little.

"Soldier! Do it!" The guard barked.

His hands tightened again and he started to yank down Natalia's pants. "Please. This isn't you. Please don't do it. Fight them. For me."

He faltered again and for a moment the sound of his breath pulling ragged through the mask was all she could hear. "Please." She whispered.

He let her go and shoved her aside, standing and stalking towards the two guards. "Soldier, stand down. Stand down." They shouted.

Natalia got to her feet and ran, she knew she wouldn't get far but she had to get away from them now while she had the chance. She was intercepted in the hall by Pchelintsov who had her taken for further reprogramming. She didn't see the Soldier for the remainder of her training.

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