10.1: The Broken Assassin

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Sam had been working closely with Steve for months now. They seemed to be narrowing in on James Barnes and it had made them double down in their efforts. Prior to this Sam had mostly been left alone to follow his own leads. Steve had always been caught up with Avengers' business.

Steve's breakup didn't seem to affect him as much as Sam had thought it would. Though Steve was pretty good at bottling things up. Sam started toying with the idea of asking him out again. Maybe doing what they should have done the first time and actually dated rather than falling into bed together. Since he had gotten to know Steve he had realized how out of character that was for him. How much he had been flailing and trying to cling to anyone that would provide him with something rather than just take from him.

Only he loved Wanda and was enjoying what he had with her and Nat. It wasn't typical but his life was pretty far from typical. He didn't want to give them up or hurt her. He knew that she'd be okay with him seeing Steve as well, they were open after all. He just didn't think that there was any way that Steve would agree to that. So in his head, he couldn't see starting anything with Steve would end in anything other than having to make a choice.

Sam was annoyed with himself. Mostly because he hated how cliche a love triangle was. He was much better than that.

Steve got up and stretched. "This paper trail seems like a false lead." He said.

"Yeah. I agree. He's been so careful I can't see him having settled like that. He's set it up somehow but maybe if we follow it back to the source." Sam agreed.

"How about we go get a drink?" Steve said, picking up that tan jacket he wouldn't seem to let go of.

Sam looked up at him with his eyebrow raised. "You mean out?"

"Yeah, why not?" Steve said.

"Out, out? Like at a bar?" Sam asked getting up.

"Yes. Out, out. Let's go get a drink." Steve said. "Or... Or do you have plans with Wanda?"

"No. No plans." Sam said grabbing his jacket. "Let's do this."

The two of them headed out into the hall and to the elevator. "So how're things going with you and Wanda?"

Sam shifted uneasily. The little arrangement he had with Nat and Wanda had always been played lowkey. Natasha and Clint didn't seem to like to admit they cared about other people. Whereas Wanda was still just trying to find her place in the scheme of things. "Good. It's - we're pretty casual. I mean, I love her, but..."

"She's part of Nat and Clint's whole thing?" Steve said.

Sam looked at Steve confused. "You know about that?"

Steve nodded. "Oh yeah. Probably more than you. Nat and Clint used to have a thing with Hill and a guy called Phil."

"That agent that Loki killed?" Sam asked.

Steve nodded. "That's the one. After he was killed Hill pulled away and Nat and Clint didn't like the idea of being monogamous. They tried to get me to join them."

Sam snorted. "That seemed like a long shot."

Steve shrugged. "I was tempted. I was pretty alone back then."

"And so you came and hit on me." Sam teased.

The elevator stopped and the two men got out and made their way to the secret entrance. "Yeah. I'm so sorry about that. I can't tell you how much I regret doing that to you."

Sam patted him on the shoulder. "It was years ago. We moved on. At the time I was pretty personally attacked by it, but I know you now. I know it was just part of something you were going through."

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