8.3: The Lonely Witch

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A strange little understanding seemed to come about within the tower. Wanda wasn't to sleep by herself. Usually, she slept with Natasha. When Natasha wasn't available Sam started to share his bed. Sometimes she shared with Clint and Natasha. Sometimes Vision just sat on the bed next to her and stroked her hair so she could sleep. It was never sexual. It just was that she needed comfort. She needed the warmth of another body. She needed to feel safe.

It was mostly Natasha though. Even as her bonds formed with Vision around the Stone and her friendship with Sam deepened as they connected over the loss of the people they loved and Clint became protective of her, Wanda felt safest with Natasha.

When she was with the men it was enough they were there. She knew she was safe with them. When you can hear people's thoughts you know in advance when there is something to be worried about. They still worried about her being comfortable with them there though. The thoughts of what was appropriate and how not to make her feel threatened always sat somewhere in their minds. So while she would be fine if they wrapped her in their arms and held her while she slept, she was fine with them just being there. To be able to sleep curled up against them and feel the thought patterns of their sleeping mind and the warmth radiating off their bodies.

Natasha had no such concerns. She would wrap herself completely around Wanda, keeping their bodies pressed together, legs tangled and Wanda's head tucked under her chin. Even when Clint was there spooning her from behind.

Wanda could hear all Natasha's thoughts. She never delved into them, but she could glean surface level things. She knew that Natasha and Clint were in some kind of open relationship. She knew they were uncomfortable it being just the two of them even if they were completely devoted to each other. She knew when Nat's thoughts began to drift towards attraction. When she began to wonder if Wanda might like to join them. When her dreams started to feature Wanda. The suppleness of her breasts. The softness of her lips. The taste of her pussy. She knew when Natasha started to start to love her. The way she wanted to deny it and tell herself it was something else.

It was curled in Natasha's arms, the assassin running her fingers through Wanda's hair when Wanda decided she would make the first move.

She looked up into Natasha's green eyes. Natasha looked down at her and smiled. "What is it, zaika?"

Wanda leaned up and kissed her. It was a sudden press of her lips against Natasha's and Natasha froze, eyes opened and hands still. Wanda pulled back and looked at her again. "What's wrong?"

"Where did that come from?" Natasha asked. Wanda could feel Natasha's confusion. How she had wanted to do more but the fear that it was the wrong thing to do.

Wanda furrowed her brow. "You were thinking about doing it."

"Wanda." Natasha sighed. "That doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. I think about doing a lot of things I shouldn't do."

"I want it, Natasha. You and me. I know you do too. I know about your situation with Clint. I'm okay with that. I am." Wanda answered.

"Wanda, you're a child," Natasha said, softly.

"I'm twenty, Natasha. Not that much younger than you." Wanda argued. "I'm an adult. Not a child and I can make my own decisions about my own body."

Natasha frowned and ran her hands through Wanda's hair thinking about Wanda's choice of words and her own background in the Red Room.

"No one has ever forced me. Though I heard their thoughts. I still lacked autonomy. Please, Natasha. If it is something we both desire." Wanda reasoned.

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