The Demonstration

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Jordan was waiting for us when Alastor and I walked back to the house. Holding up a professional-looking video camera, he asked, "Ready?"

Alastor opened the door with a dramatic flourish of his hand as he replied, "On to the show."

I smiled wryly as I followed them both inside and down the hall towards the cellar door. My heart was pounding in my chest with each step down the cellar stairs. This is it. This is my final justice. 

Fred looked up from his seat. He was tied to the chair in the middle of the room, his face so swollen and bruised I wondered if he could still see. It looked like most of his teeth were missing too.

"Not so confident now, are you?" I mused out loud, moving to stand beside our captive. He grunted and shifted painfully. 

"My my, such bad manners," Alastor chuckled, coming to stand on the other side of Fred. 

Jordan readied the camera and gave a count down with one hand before giving us a thumbs-up sign. We were rolling.

"We're all in Hell for one reason or another," I began, placing my hand on Fred's shoulder and squeezing it painfully as I stared into the camera lens, "Some of us are killers and some just pirated music. However, we all can agree there are some people worse than others. Fred here is one of those people. Both on Earth and in Hell, he took young girls, turned them against their families, and when they were reliant on him for everything, he pushed them into prostitution." 

I looked from the camera to Alastor as I continued, "No one deserves that. That is why we are opening a halfway house for girls wanting to get away from trash like Fred. There is no judgment, we only want to help. Counseling, job assistance...we want to be a complete facility aimed at helping people discover their best afterlives."

My gaze turned back to the camera as my tone became more serious, "And for those of you like our friend Fred here, let this be a warning. We are coming for you. I'm turning the floor over to Alastor here for a demonstration on what exactly will happen when we find you."

I walked out of the shot, motioning for Jordan to keep the camera on Alastor. Taking one last look at the pitiful mess Fred was, I turned and started up the stairs. I didn't need to see what was going to happen next. 

Raise A Little Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now