"I'm No Monk"

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Fifteen minutes later, Alastor came back down the stairs dressed in a black robe and toweling his hair dry. I looked up at him as I finished the last of my beer, "Feel better?"

"While ripping gutter scum limb from limb is enjoyable, dried blood in one's hair is quite problematic." He replied, taking a seat across from me at the kitchen table.

"You know, a simple yes would have been adequate." I rolled my eyes. Alastor grinned at me, hanging the towel he had been using to dry his hair on the back of the chair. 

"I was thinking," He mused, ignoring my verbal jab, "We could bring in some outside help. Career coaches and therapists and that sort."

I nodded in agreement. It was a good idea. The more tools we had ready to give to the people who wanted our help, the better. 

"Come here," Alastor held out his hand to me when I didn't say anything. Wordlessly, I got up and came around the table to stand in front of him. Taking my hand, Alastor grinned up at me and pulled me into his lap.

I was surprised, my palms flat against his chest as our lips were only inches apart now. Alastor's grin was self-assured as his arms wrapped around me. We hadn't been this close since we had kissed.  

"Tell me something," He said, his voice a deep rumble, "Do you have something against sex?"

I scowled at him, "What the hell would make you think that?"

Alastor chuckled low, wrapping his arms tighter around me, "Just curious is all. I know this whole business could put someone's...ahem, appetite off."

"It's not sex I have a problem with," I explained, idly running my fingers over the satin trim of his robe, "I enjoy sex quite a bit actually. With the right person, of course. It's forcing someone to have sex for monetary gain I have a problem with."

Alastor looked thoroughly amused, "I was beginning to wonder. Some people bent on revenge become monks, for lack of a better term."

It was my turn to laugh, "Trust me, I'm no monk."

Alastor's grin took on a more predator look and I returned it with a grin of my own. 

Raise A Little Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now