Consume Me

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Slowly drawing my head back, I gave his cock one final lick before looking up at Alastor. A self-satisfied grin stretched over my face as I saw the lust written plainly on his features. I sat up and untied the knot, freeing his hands. 

Immediately, Alastor rolled so that he was now on top. His hands gripped my waist, holding me tight as I ground against him. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he lightly nipped at the spot between my neck and shoulder. 

It was my turn to moan in pleasure as he slid my underwear down my legs and tossed them off to the side. My bra went in a similar fashion, leaving us skin to skin with no barriers between us. 

"There are so many ways I want to fuck you," He murmured against my skin, his fingers trailing along the inside of my thigh. 

"I could take you just as we are now," He continued, his fingers gently caressing the soft folds of my sex before sliding two fingers inside me, "Or I could bend you over on all fours and fuck you from behind."

I gasped as his fingers curled just the right way to touch that sweet spot at my core. Another deep chuckle rumbled in Alastor's chest as he said, "It sounds like you prefer the second."

Slowly withdrawing from me, he kissed me roughly, his tongue probing for entrance. I let him consume me whole, all my senses on fire. I wanted him to take me. 

Raise A Little Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora