Why Not?

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Alastor and a pale-faced Jordan came up nearly an hour later. I had been waiting for them in the kitchen, drinking a beer, and thinking about everything that had led up to this point. As they both came in, Jordan looking scarred for life and Alastor grinning like it was Christmas, I said, "Did you leave any scraps to feed the rats?"

Jordan shook his head as Alastor laughed in reply, "None for them I'm afraid."

"I'm...I'm going to go home and shower before uploading this," Jordan said weakly, motioning towards the door. Alastor and I wordlessly watched him go, the door clicking shut echoing through the quiet house. 

"You should shower too," I commented, turning to look at Alastor. He was covered in blood and bits of Fred from head to toe. 

Running a hand through his hair, he replied, "I probably should. Feel free to hang out here while I shower. We can grab a bite to eat after I get out and start talking about plans for the rehabilitation house."

I nodded, watching him leave up the stairs. Taking a sip of my beer I chuckled at the odd arrangement. I got to help girls who wanted to get away from their shitty pimps, and Alastor got to rip the pimps to literal shreds. But hell, if it worked, then why not?

Raise A Little Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now