Chapter 11- Sleep

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Its several hours after defeating Lady Crystal but Chat Noir's new nickname for me is still playing in my head


Marinette is fast asleep in her loft, breathing softly. I roll over on the chaise and grab my phone off the small makeshift-bedside table Marinette made for me. I look at the clock:

11:23, ugh...It's been almost an hour of no sleep now...

I slowly pull my blanket off of my body and get up, off of the chaise. I make sure not to wake Kitti, as she would throw a tantrum if I woke her up. I tiptoe over to the ladder leading up to Marinette's bed. I carefully sit down on Marinette's bed and crawl over to the trapdoor. Marinette rolls over. Quiet! I scold myself. I ever so carefully open the trapdoor and hoist myself onto the balcony.

I softly close the door and stand up. Even though I'm only in a baggy tee-shirt and pajama shorts, the cool city air doesn't chill me. I look down and the busy streets as cars whiz past the bakery. The sounds of people talking, cars honking, and other things only heard in a city calm me. As I lean on the metal railing, I begin softly singing.

"Little kitty on a roof..."

A different voice comes in.

"All alone, without his lady."

I gasp and turn around to the voice. I see Chat Noir sitting on the roof behind me. He's giving me a look I can't quite figure out.

"Chat Noir?" I ask, still speechless.

"Sorry, I usually come here when I'm feeling down..." He gives me a sheepish smile.

"Oh, it is alright. I could use some company." I smile at him.

"We've met before, right? Isn't it (yn)?" He says walking over to me.

"Yea, that's me, I'm the girl from America." I give a slight laugh. "Hey, can I ask you something?" I ask examining the kitty's green eyes.


"How did you know that song?"

Chat Noir looks at the stars. "My mother...she used to sing it to me...before she..." A single tear rolls down Chat Noir's cheek. I turn his head to face me and catch his tear with my finger. He looks at me, his eyes sparkling under the stars.

"Its-its alright to cry. You don't have to bundle up your feelings, Chat." I give him a small smile.

Chat Noir pulls me into a hug and buries his head into my shoulder. He begins to softly weep. I begin rubbing slow circles on his back with my fingers. I can tell he's been bottling up these tears for a while now...

We stay like that for the next ten minutes until Chat pulls away. I wipe one last tear from his face, and he gives me a soft smile.

I look up at his eyes. "Better?"

"I've always been told to hide my emotions...Nobody's ever told me it's okay to show my feelings...I guess what I mean to say is...Thank you." Chat Noir pulls me into a hug. "Thank you so much, (yn)"

"You're welcome, Chat Noir."


Once I climb into bed after saying goodnight to Chat Noir, I pull up my blanket, Shut my eyes, and finally drift off to sleep.


For the first time in months, Adrien Agreste finally slept soundly.

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