Chapter 2. Unexpected

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When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was a little puppy. 

When I saw a little puppy I instantly picked it up and put it in my lap

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When I saw a little puppy I instantly picked it up and put it in my lap. I was so happy to see this puppy because this is my dream dog. 

"Hej maleni, hej, ti si jedan jako zgodan mališan, znaš ti to? (Hey little one, hay, you are really handsome little boy, you know)?" I started to talk to the dog and playing with him. I was in my own world until Lola spoke.

"Hope..." she tapped me on the shoulder "možda bi htjela vidjeti u koga si naletjela...(you might wanna see who you bumped into...)" I was so happy to see a little puppy that I forgat I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a person standing in front of me. 

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." I was laughing and I didn't recognize who was in front of me. I was still looking at the dog on the floor.

"It's ok, I wasn't looking where I was going either" he said. At that moment, when I heard his voice, I realized who it is. It's Ondreaz Lopez. I'm shaking. I don't know what to say, I'm embarrassed right now.

"You ok?" Ondreaz asked me. he must've seen the expression on my face.

"Y...y...yeah, I-I'm ok." I turned around to face my friends. They just gave me a smile.

"I'm really sorry Ondreaz, I didn't see you and then I saw this precious dog, and I just couldn't resist." I said it so fast and slammed my hand on my forehead from embossment. He laughed.

"So you like the dog?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do." I looked at the dog again and he was looking at me.

"I was confused cause I didn't understand what you sad to him. I guess you're not from the USA?" he said a little confused but with a little chuckle. 

"Oh, yeah, we are from Croatia. I'm Hope by the way and this is Lola and Nila." I say with a small smile on my face.

"Hope, I like that name, it's unique. So I assume you already know who I am?" I say yes nervously. I don't want to be that fangirl and start screaming, but I feel like it.

"Hope... we need to go get our bags..." Nila said and I remembered where we are.

"Yeah, right, I almost forgot." I said and turned to face Nila. "Ja još uvijek ne znam kuda trebamo ići... (I still don't know where are we supposed to go...)  I started to walk off. Ondreaz just looked at me confused.

"Maybe he can help with that." Lola said and I gave her a death stare.

"Help with what?" Ondreaz asked as I tried to walk off.

"Nothing, we are fine, bay!" I pushed Lola and Nila to start walking away.

"We've never been to an airport till today so we don't know where we need to go." Nila spoke. I don't know why but I didn't want him to help us, I just wanted to go and find an apartment and go to sleep.

"Ja ću vas ubiti! (I will kill you!)" They just looked at me.

"I don't know what you said, but it sounded mean. Come on, I'll help you." I was red from the embossment. He started walking and we followed him. We get our bags and go sit on the bench. 

"Do you have a place to stay?" Ondreaz asked us. At this point I wanted him gone. I didn't want to look like we are some kids that don't know what they are doing.

"Ye..." Nila cut me off as I tried to make him leave.

"No, we don't, we need to find it."

"Nila, šuti! (Nila, shut up!)" I was kinda mad at her right now.

"Hope, došle smo nepripremljene i treba nam pomoć osim ako ti želiš večeras spavati na ovoj klupi. (Hope, we came unprepared and we need help unless you want to sleep on this bench tonight.)" Nila has a point. I looked at Ondreaz. He is so handsome, taller than me, and has a beautiful smile. You can not look at him and not smile. 

"I'm so confused right now..." He said and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry, Hope doesn't want to burden you, but we really need help." Nila said and I stayed back and looked at my feet. Nila is telling the truth, but he was at the airport, so he clearly has things to do.

"You don't have to help us, you clearly have things to do." I said with sadness in my voice.

"Actually I don't, I was here just to pick up this dog, that's it." he smiled at me. I couldn't resist but smile back, I was so happy that I get to spend more time with him. 


*I'm so happy with where this is going right now. :D*

Why not now / Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now