Chapter 5. Misunderstanding

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It's been a month since we got to LA. Ondreaz and I become really close, he is a really good guy, and I think I'm falling for him.

"DRE... Hey Tony, have you seen your brother?" I asked Tony as I walked downstairs.

"No, but Hope...can I talk to you?" I stopped and looked at him, he had a little worried face on.
We walked into the bathroom and he closed the door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something..." He didn't look at me.

"Well, what is it" I'm getting really uncomfortable right now. I don't know what's he about to say to me.

"I really like Nila..." Immediately he become red. I didn't believe what I heard. I'm happy for him because Nina likes him too but doesn't know how to tell him. I'm smiling so much. "What, why are you smiling?"

"I'm so happy right now, Nila likes you too!!" I jumped on him and hugged him, he was happy to hear that. That's when we heard the door open. It's Ondreaz. When he saw us he immediately closed the door and run away. Tony and I left the bathroom and I went to change because we are going out to eat. I walked into my room and Lola and Nila are waiting for me in there.

"Što? (What?)" I asked them.

"Što se događa između tebe i Tonyja? (What is happening between you and Tony?)" Nila said with an attitude.

"Što? Ništa se ne događa! (What? Nothing is happening!)" I answered.

"Onda zašto vas je Ondreaz našaou zajedno u WC-u, da li ti se sviđa? (Then why did Ondreaz found you two in the bathroom together, do you like him?)" Lola looked at me. They seem mad.

"Što, ne, ne sviđa mi se, on je samo prijatelj. (What, no I don't like him, he is just a friend.)" Nila is still mad. "I za tvoju informaciju, Tony je rekao da mu se sviđaš Nila, zato smo bili u WC-u. (And for your information, Tony said he likes you, Nila, that's why we were in the bathroom,)" I said with a happy face.

Ondreaz's POV

When I walked in on Hope and Tony in the bathroom, my heart broke, I run away. I like Hope, she is an amazing girl, I even think I'm falling in love with her. 5 minutes later I heard my name coming from one of the rooms. I walked upstairs and heard Hope, Lola, and Nila talking, but it was in Croatian. Then I remembered that app Nila told me about. I opened the app and read the translation. Nila asked Hope does she like him, I think they are talking about me because I heard my name earlier. Hope said that she doesn't like me. I didn't want to listen anymore so I run away almost crying.

Hope's POV

We heard doors slam. I walked out of the room and saw Tony do the same thing.

"What happened?" I asked. I don't know who that is, there are 12 people in this house and someone is always fighting.

"Ondre..." Tony said.
I didn't know how to react, I don't know what got him mad. When I got out of the house he wasn't there.

3 hours later, Ondreaz is back. He walked into the house and looked at me with a sad face, then immediately looked away. What's going on with him? I thought to myself. I tried to talk to him but he just walked away. For the rest of the day, he ignored me and I was annoyed by that.

"Hey..." I called Dre. No response. "Dre..." Again nothing. "HEY, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!" I was getting really mad because he had no reason to be mad at me. He just looked at me then back at his phone. "IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME, JUST SAY IT, BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO REASON TO NOT TALK TO ME ALL DAY, AND I'M TIRED OF THAT." I was just about to start crying. Everyone was looking at us. Thomas and Alex are filming. Ondre stud up and walked past me.

"If you don't know what you did wrong that's your problem." He said and tried to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"NO, I did nothing wrong, I didn't talk to you all day, please tell me what's wrong." I sad and now tears started falling down. He didn't say anything. He riped his arm and started walking away again.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!" I screamed at him.

"BECAUSE I'M I LOVE WITH YOU AND YOU DON'T FEEL THE SAME AND I CAN'T BE FRIENDS WITH YOU BECAUSE I CAN NEVER LOOK AT YOU AS A FRIEND!" I was in shock when he said that. He is in love with me?! Why does he think I don't feel the same?! All kinds of questions went through my head.

"I love you, Hope, more than a friend, and because of that I want you to be happy and if it's not with me then I can't be your friend, it hurts so much..." Now he was crying too. I tried to say something but I couldn't. He started walking again. It hurt seeing him like that. I finally got straight to say something.

"I love you too..." I said and he stopped. "I love you! Today when you didn't talk to me all day it hurt. I don't want to be with anybody else when I'm with you I'm the happiest person alive, and I don't know what I'd do withou..." He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine. This is my first kiss and it's amazing.

"Wow..." I said when he pulled away.

"What?" He asked surprised.

"It's not what I imagined my first kiss to be, it was better," I said and couldn't take away that smile on my face.

"Wait this was your first kiss?!" I couldn't read the expression on his face. I was afraid he would leave me because I was a virgin and I've never had a boyfriend before.

*Hope you like it!
Tell me what you think.*

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