Chapter 14. Not over

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For the next few days, I didn't talk to Ondreaz. It just so hard to forget about him if I talk to him every day.

Today I woke up earlier than usual. It was 7:30. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. I eat it in 5 minutes and decide to call Tony.

Phone call


Hay Tony, how are you?

I'm good, you?

I've been better...


Forget about it... Wanna video chat?

Yeah, sure!

(We went on the video call and I sat my phone on the desk.)

So... How are things there?

Well, we went to the beach today and met some fans!

That's so cool!

(Than I heard someone else's voice on Tony's side.)

Who are you talking to? - the person said. Emm... It's Hope.... - Tony said. Oh... Ok... - he said.

(Then I saw who it was. He was in the background of the video call. It was Ondeaz. He sat down on his bed and looked at the camera with sad eyes. As he saw me he put his head in his hands and it seemed like he was crying. Tony saw it. He put the phone down so I could see them.)

Bro, are you ok? - Tony said. No... - Ondre said. Bro, it has been a week, you need to move on! - Tony said. But I can't, you don't understand how much I love her and how much it hurts to know that I'll never see her again... - Ondre said.

End of the phone call

I just couldn't listen to it anymore. After that, I just laid on the bed again.

Tony's POV

As I was talking to Hope, Ondeaz came into the room and sat on his bed. He asked who I was talking to and when I said Hope he was broken.

"Bro, are you ok?" I said.

"No..." Ondre said and started crying again. He was like this since Hope left.

"Bro, it has been a week, you need to move on!" I said trying to comfort him.

"But I can't, you don't understand how much I love her and how much it hurts to know that I'll never see her again..." Ondre said.

"I know, I'm sorry Ondre but there is nothing you can do..." I said. He was quiet for the next few minutes like he was thinking.

"Yes, there is!" He said and went to the closet.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I'm going to Croatia!" He said.

"YOU WHAT?!" I asked. I don't know what got into him.

"I'm going to see her, I don't know when I'll be back." He said starting packing.

"Bro, just think for a second..." I said.

"I don't need to think, all I need is Hope!" He said kinda yelling.

"Ok!" I said and went to my closet and started packing.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"If you think I'll let you leave alone, you're very much wrong!" I said to him. He just looked at me and hugged me.

"Thank you, Tony!" He said.

"I'll book our flight," I said and opened my laptop. I booked our flight and it's 3 hours.

"Ok, we have 3 hours to get ready!" I said to Ondre.

"Ok, more than enough!" He said. He was so happy, the first time in a week.

Why not now / Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now