Please do better

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I have something to say. This what's happening with the world right now is fucking disgusting. This year is fucked up. In my country, we were in school not even for 3 months.

Three things:

1. Coronavirus: I think this whole corona shit could have been stopped at the beginning. In my country, it isn't that bad like in the USA, Spain, and Italy. Our government reacted on time. How many people have died and some people still don't care, that's just fucked up.

2. Global warming: Nobody releases that this all started with global warming. We need to release that this Earth is the only planet that we have right now and it's dying. Thru this whole corona time, Earth healed a little bit, and when the corona ends we need to continue taking care of this planet.

3. Black lives matter: This is just too much, we should fight this pandemic together, not bring another problem into this world and start fighting each other. This is not something new, this has been happening for a long time now, but apparently, it needed to happen something bad for people to release that it's a problem. Some people say that we need to kill that police officer the same way he killed George Floyd, I say we lock him up and let him live with the guilt of killing an innocent man. Again, in my country, we have one rule: If you are a good man, you are welcome, no matter which race or nationally you belong. People that have different skin colors are not less of humans. #blacklivesmatter ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

People, we have only this one Earth to live on. We need to stop fighting and start caring about other people and nature because we won't have another chance in life. For some people, the greatest achievement is landing on mood or something like that, but for me, the greatest achievement would be the whole world united and together fighting something that doesn't belong on this Earth.

Thank you for reading and please do whatever you can to give the voice to people who can't speak up.

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