Chapter 16. Back here

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Hope's POV

It was a normal day until my dad came from the market. When I heard him say he's home I got up from my bed and made my way to the living room. I had my big headphones on and I looked at my phone so I didn't see or hear anyone. When I looked up at my dad, he was filming. I was confused, but when I looked around I saw. Ondreaz and Tony. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room. I dropped my phone when I saw them.

"W-w-what the f-fuck?!" I said in disbelief.

"H-hay Hope..." Ondreaz said and smiled nervously.

"What? How? Why? When? WHAT?!" I couldn't say anything normal. I just felt like crying. He is really here. Why? Why did he come? When is he going back? How long is he staying? I didn't know how to react. "Are you real?!" I really asked myself. I wanted to make sure I'm not imagining things.

"Yeah, I'm very much real!" Ondreaz said.

I ran across the living room and jumped on him. He is here, he came for me! I was crying with happiness. Our hug lasted long, ten minutes at least.

"Ok, now can I get a hug?!" Tony asked fake offended that we left him there.

"Hey, Tony, I've missed you!" I said and hugged him.

"I've missed you too!" He said. "Now where is Nila?" Tony asked.

"She'll be here in 2 hours!" I said. I'm happy for them.

"YEY!! But don't say anything to her!" Tony said.

"Don't worry, I won't," I said.

We stayed silent for a few minutes. I didn't know what to say. I feel sad because I left him.

"Can we talk?" Ondre says quietly.

"Am, yeah sure," I reply.

We left my dad and Tony there and went to my room to talk. As we entered the room I closed the door.

I love to draw. My room is full of drowning and paintings. Some of them are Ondreaz. I think Ondreaz had noticed them. There were two of the same picture but they are different.

"Why are they different?" He asked with a smile. I stopped for a second to think about what I should say, but it's best if I'm being honest.

"The one with mature colors is what I thought about you before I met you, your natural looks, and everything," I said and stopped.

"And the other one?" Ondre asked.

"The other one with bright coloring... That's how you really are, how I see you now that I've met you..." I said.

He looked at me and smiled. I blushed. I love how just his smile can brighten up my day.

"So... How long are you staying?" I asked. He was silent for a few seconds. "Ondre, when are you leaving?" I asked again.

"I'm not..." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm not leaving without you..." He said.

"What do you mean, Ondre you can't stay here, your family and friends and your career are in the USA!"

"I don't care, you're here and I want to be with you!" Ondre said and hugged me.

"But you have meetings and I have school and I'll go to colle-" I started but he cut me off.

"Why can you just accept the fact that I'm never leaving your side, ever again!" He smiled at me.

"But what about Tony?" I asked. I don't want him to leave his brother, his partner, for me.

"I'M STAYING TOO!" Tony yelled from the leaving room. We laughed.

°two hours later°

It's time for Nina and my other friend Kate to come. Tony was nervous, he missed Nila so much. I can't wait to see her reaction.

"You excited, you seem nervous?" I asked Tony.

"No, not at all, I'm just freaking out!" He said and I and Ondre laughed.

We talked for a little till Nila sent me a message.

Text message

Došle smo! (We are here!)

Ok, krećem!! (Ok, I'm going!!)

I then said that I'm going to get her to Tony and Ondre. I left and walked to where we were supposed to meet. I came and they were there. I run to them and hugged them. We didn't see each other for 2 weeks.

"Hay!!!! Kako ste? (Hay!!! How are you?)" I asked them.

"Super, jel idemo? (Great, are we going?)" Kate asked back.

"Idemo! (Let's go!)" I answered.

We walked for about 5-6 minutes to my home. I was so excited about Nila, and she had no idea!

*HAY, I'm so sorry for not posting for a long time💔
Now I'm here and ready to post according to schedule!!
I hope you like this story!
Thank you for 2k reads!!! I love y'all!💙💜
Have a nice day, BYE💚*

Why not now / Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now