Chapter 4. New best friend

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Hope's POV

The hype house is even bigger in person. Ondreaz took our bags and we walked inside. My whole house could fit in there living room.

"Welcome, I'm Thomas." The tall dark-headed man said. He greeted us and showed us around the house.  After the tour, we sat on the couches to rest a little bit.

"So tell me, Hope, why did you come all the way to LA?" Ondreaz asked me.

"Well, it was always my dream to go to America, I love traveling and I came to celebrate my birthday," I said and he smiled to me.

"How old are you?" Thomas was joining the conversation.

"I'll be 18 in a month."

"A month?!" Ondreaz was kinda surprised, "So you are staying here for quite a long time?"

"3 months actually." Then I realized we will be at the hype house do 3 months, I don't want that. It's not that I don't want to spend time with them, it's just that I think we will be a burden to them all. They don't even know us and we know all of them.

"Ne možemo ostati ovdje... (We can't stay here...)"

"Zašto to kažeš, prije 2 dana si stalno pričala o tome kako bi voljela upoznati Ondreaza i sve ostale? (Why are you saying that, only two days ago you were talking about meeting Ondreaz and everyone?)" Lola asked me with a sad face.

"I heard my name, what is happening?" Ondreaz asked and Thomas just stud there confused.

"Znam, i stvarno mi je drago što sam ih upoznala, ali mislim da smo ima samo teret, ne želim im smetati. (I know, and I'm so happy that I met them, but I think they we are just a burden, I don't want to bother them.)" I'm like a really sensitive person and right now I can feel that I'm about to cry.

"Hey, hey, hey, what is happening, what are you saying?!" Ondreaz asked concerned.

Ondreaz's POV

I'm so confused right now. Hope and Lola started talking in Croatia, and I don't understand a single word. I can see on Hopes' face that she's about to cry, just like in the car. Just then she studs up and headed to the door. Lola run after her and Nila stayed inside.

"I need to talk to you!" Nila says with an attitude and points to me. Did I do something wrong, or did I said something again? I thought to myself. Nila stands up and goes to the kitchen, I follow her.

"What did I do now, why did she left?" I asked her and waited for her to speak.

"Listen... You did nothing wrong..." Nila says and sighs.

"THEN WHAT'S WRONG, I DIDN'T T UNDERSTAND WHAT WERE YOU SAYING?!?!" I don't know why I started yelling at her.

"First of all, you have no right to yell at me, " Nila is angry at me.


"Second, Hope is a very sensitive and caring person, she always puts others before herself. She thinks we are the border to all of you and she would rather sleep on the street then bother you." What is she talking about, no one is bothering us, Thomas was happy to meet them and help them.

"That's not true, Thomas was happy to meet you, you can stay as long as you like."

"Well, you need to say that to Hope, because she doesn't believe that."

"Ok... And please from now on speak in English so I can understand what you are saying." I said to Nila and she looked around for a bit.

"How about this, there is this app that listens to the conversation and translates everything in English, just install that and don't tell Hope." I'm actually surprised that she said that.

After the conversation with Nila, I went outside, Hope is at the driveway crying and hugging Lola. I went and set next to her.

"You know, we would love for you to stay here, I think we'll be great friends," I said and smiled at her. Hope looked at me and smiled back. These she hugged me and I hugged her back. Lola looked at me and whispered Thank you to me.

Why not now / Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now