Chapter 15- PDA

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POV Spot

Last night was hell. We's planned a rally planned for all da newsboys of New York ta attend. 

It went pretty well until da bulls showed up ta arrest us all. But da funny thing is, we didn't do nothin wrong.

Ciara's definitely not used ta runnin from da bulls. Da kids probably never been arrested eitha. 

It was so sad seein 'er cry so much. It was really hard for 'er ta watch Jack taken away like dat.

I's noticed dat when she gets upset 'er Irish accent comes out stronger den usual. I's think it's adorable.

We woke up late da next morning and I walked 'er across da bridge over ta Manhattan. Denton, da reporter, told us last night ta meet him at Tibby's ta talk everything over.

I's didn't feel like going so Ciara just went without me.

POV Ciara

I swing open the door to Tibby's. Everyone looks just as depressed as last night. 

Everyone has bruised faces and tired eyes. I plop myself down at a table next to Blink.

I watch Davey anxiously pace the room waiting for Denton. A few moments later, a flustered Denton rushes in. 

Davey walks up to him quickly, "Thanks for bailing us out."

"My pleasure." Denton told him shaking Davey's hand firmly.

It got quiet for a minute until Davey spoke up again.

"Why didn't The Sun print the story?"

"Because it never happened." Denton sighed.

"What do ya mean it neva happened? You were there?" Racetrack argues.

"I tell you, if it's not in the papers, it never happened. The owners decreed that it not be in the papers, therefore... " his voice trailed off. "Anyway, I came to tell you fellas goodbye."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Denton was backing out on us. I glanced around and everyone had the same expression. Defeat.

"What happened? Did you get fired or something?" Davey exclaimed.

"No, I got reassigned back to my old job as The Sun's ace war correspondent. They want me to leave right away. The owner thinks that I should only cover the really important stories, so... yep. Wish me luck fellas. At least half of what I wish for you. " Denton answers sadly.

Davey turns away from Denton. He looks hurt, shocked, aggravated. 

I knew he really trusted Denton. So did Jack. So did all of us.

"They don't always fire you, David... I would be blackballed from every paper in the country. Hey- I'm a newspaper man. I have to have a paper to write for." Denton tries to explain.

I didn't want to hear it though. I could tell neither did Davey who stares back at Denton blankly.

"This is the story I wrote about the rally. And... I want you to read it at least." Denton said unfolding a paper from his pocket.

David continues o stare at him coldy, not offering a hand to take the paper. Denton places it in his hand anyway.

It goes quiet for a few moments. No one really knew what to say or do. 

We don't have our leader or even a publisher to even get us the exposure the strike needs.

Denton turns and leaves. I scoff and look over at Racetrack who looks more frustrated then ever.

His eye is still swollen from last night and his hair looks untidy compared to its usual form. By the look of the small cigarette dish in front of him, he was stress smoking.

"We get Jack out of the Refuge tonight. And from now on, we trust no one but the newsies." Davey announces to the room sternly.

We all nod and get up more determined as ever. We walk outside of Tibby's and start to head back to the lodge house.

"Hey Gutsy! Wait up, I wanna talk to you. " Davey calls as he runs up to me.

I stop in my tracks and wait for him to catch up.

"Hey Davey."

"W-Where were you last night? I was looking for you after we left the courtroom."

"Oh. I uh, went to Brooklyn. I spent the night with Spot." I explain him.

"Oh... ok. I was going to ask you something, but I guess it's gonna have to wait." he rambles before rushing off.

Um ok? Good talk Davey? I feel and hand squeeze my shoulder.

"And she's back in 'Hattan! Admit it, ya couldn't stay away from ya fellas for too long." Race proudly teased.

I roll my eyes as he slings his arm around my shoulder. Blink, Mush, and Specs not far behind us.

"Good morning Race." I say in a sing song tone.

"So... yous and Spot!" Mush asks excitedly.

My head snaps up to Racetrack and I shoot him a glare. He won't meet my eyes. 

He continued staring straight ahead with a slight smirk on his lips.

"Race!" I hissed elbowing his side.

"Take it easy! Take it easy killer! I's didn't tell no one. You twos had ya little PDA show last night. Dat ain't my problem." he answers.

"PD who?" I ask.

What is this? Another weird New York City slang term?

"PDA. Public display of affection." Specs recites.

Oh. Ohhhhh. Oops. I feel my cheeks get red.

"Haha! What I's tell ya. I's saw you guys sitting togetta bein all lovey dovey. How precioussss!" Blink snorted.

Great. They were never going to leave me alone about this. 

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