please read.

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hi to all of you lovely people :)

given what is happening in our world right now, i feel admittedly insensitive to be posting chapters at the moment.

i have this platform with readers that i KNOW are amazing.

i feel as though i should send my messages to here as well.

please, get involved in the on-going protest.

black lives matter.

we need everyone to know.

we need everyone to care.

we need everyone to take action.

we are not living in a wonderful utopia.

these people are suffering. either in silence or in plain sight - they are suffering.

this has been an issue for far too long.

we need it to stop.


if you don't agree,

i do not invite you back on my account.

you are not welcomed here.


to those who want to make a difference -

please help.

there are so many petitions that take mere seconds to complete.

if you're able, there are donations.

let your community know about this.

please do not be afraid to speak out.

you have so many people behind you.

to my black readers, i am with you.

as a minority, i am trying my best to help as much as i can.

i am so sorry that this is still an issue for all of you.

you all deserve justice.

you deserve to be treated the same.

our skin tones should not determine anything.

i love all of you so much.

thank you.

- melissa

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