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Jens POV
Me and Alex were driving home from the mall when all of a sudden my water breaks."shit alex my water broke we needa go." Alex is panicking acting like it's his first time fucking me and getting me pregnant. Anyways I wasn't surprised at the pain because I've already had two kids. I was mostly excited because it was a girl. Alex wanted a boy this time but we have a lot more time to have another baby. Good thing novah and Noah were at my moms.
We arrived and they took me to the suit we had rented a couple days before because we were far along. It was nice for a hospital. I said that wrong whatever. But anyways alex followed and we started I was almost ready to push but they needed to set everything up. I wanted to meet her already. No one could believe what I was going to name her because it didn't have a N it did sound like Novah and Noah so it was different. My family was different though so it was okay. I snapped out of my thoughts and the nurse said "you ready?"  I nod my head even though I didn't think I was ready but once she started counting to three I pushed and the fact that I pushed for about 30 minutes was amazing but tiring.
"Mommy loves you." I said smiling as they handed her to me once they cleaned her off. You ready for her name? It was Alani Jasmine Rodriguez. Now the reason it didn't start with a N is because Alex wanted an A in one of our kids names and wouldn't stop making me promise that I would at least name her with an A. But I like alani. It was unique to the family name. Ew. I sound so fucking formal. I'm barely almost 24 and I'm already acting like I'm 40. Ugh, anyways leah shows up a couple hours later and more family comes they were  obsessed with her. Tomorrow I would get to take her home and I was excited it's like a "trend" for me to post a baby picture the day we go home so I'll do that tomorrow. Alex was asleep on the couch he was so cute. I couldn't believe that 6 years ago I was with a deadbeat bitch. Then ended up with a king. I fell asleep thinking of life and everything  else there was to think about.
Today I woke up early Alani was asleep still surprisingly she didn't wake up in the middle of the night so that's good. Alex woke up and got me breakfast from the cafeteria. Their food was eh. I missed regular food though. I mean after two kids my body was right but I felt off after Alani. I'm finna work out harder. The doctor came in and told me I could go home. I was happy but everything was sore ugh that was the worst thing I hated that my whole body was sore after having the baby. I got Alani dressed and like I said posted a picture.

ALANI!🥰 born December 20th

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ALANI!🥰 born December 20th.
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It obviously blew tf up but it's cool my baby was so precious. We went to the car and buckled her up and I got inside the backseat. We were going to pick up noah and novah they were excited when I told them I had had her already.
As we pulled into my parents drive way they were all standing outside my mom practically ran to me. Well, to the baby. "Oh my god she's precious." My mom said picking her up and holding her. "She's so light." I laugh and hug noah and novah but they were all more worried about the baby then me.
6 1/2 hours later
We finally left my parents house. I wanted to hurry and go home because I wanted to lay in my own damn bed again. All of our furniture was here so we finally could officially say we were moved in. Like fully. We got home and the kids were half asleep so Alex has to carry them inside. I put Alani in her nursery and went to go get pajamas on. Alex was already half asleep when I got there. I loved how he was so relaxed. I loved sleeping next to him infact it was the best feeling in the world.

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