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'Tch, there is something I'm forgetting!'

Lala mentally said as she was chomping her dinner angrily. Her parents stared at her, worried. They were about to ask her about earlier. The clanking noise of their plates and utensils stopped.

Seconds later, Lala seemed to popped off from her thoughts as she stared back to her parents, confused. She noticed that it had became quiet.

"Er... pardon?" Lala spoke, trying break the tension between them. "Is something there  on my face? I can wipe it with the napkins."

"Er — no! There's nothing wrong dear... you were just unexpectedly mad." Her mother spoke. "Is that mood swing? Are you having period already?!"

Both of her mother's fist were slammed on the table with an are-you-in-your-puberty look, she stammered: "N-no! Of course not.. yet. Not yet."

"Oh, why were you angry then?" Her mother asked, smiling. She finally started to eat her dinner same as her husband.

"I was wondering about something." Lala stabbed her meat with a fork then lifted it over to her mouth and took a bite.

"Hm? Something you say?" Her mother glanced towards her as she sips her glass.

"A-ah. Never mind that. Didn't you want to know about earlier? The party?" Lala stammered as she tried to brush off the topic.

"Indeed we do." This time, it was her father that spoke. He wasn't there when Lala told her mother.

"Ah, yes father." Lala said then continued her topic. She said it like how she told her mother. "Oh, I forgot to tell you about my new friends, mother." She beamed as she mentioned them.

"Good for you, Lala." The older woman smiled. She realised something and looked to her husband. "Oh wait, Frank, aren't we going to.."

"Hmm? Ah, yes." He looked back to her. The two eyed each other, they're like communicating telepathically. Lala stared at them awkwardly until her father faced her and smiled. "Say, Lala, are your friends already at school?"

"I don't know. They didn't mention it and we just met today." Lala explained. "Ah! One of my friend's fiancé is. Why though?"

"Well, here." They both said in unison, showing three letters.

"Wait, is this what I'm thinking?" Lala said in excitement. Both of her parents nodded simultaneously. "A letter from Igfino? The school?!" She quickly grabbed the letters and read the first one.

'Dear Lady Anderston,
          We are pleased to inform that you have been accepted at Igfino School of Nobility. We invite you to our school as you are noble blooded and at the right age.
          Term starts at August 2. We expect your letter to answer us by the end of the month so we can register your name.

Helena Portler

Lala grinned as she folded the letter so she can read the other two. Taking a look by the sender, it's not from school but from the Blanc. Both from her fiancé and from her brother-in-law. She opened the two letters and read them. It made her heart flutter and while reading the younger one's, it was wholesome. But in Albert's letter, it was mentioned that he also received a letter from Igfino.

Dinner has ended after they talked about the school she was going to. Lala headed back to her room, she noticed her notebook laying innocently on the desk. She panicked when she thought someone would read it. But she realised it was a language that people don't understand. She searched for a good hiding spot in the shelves and then found it. She hid it near a book which has the same leather color that would camouflage it.

She praised herself for a job well done, she turned to her bed and laid down. She snuggled her pillow and drifted off to sleep.


You may wonder why they just got to school. Idk about how it really works but this is my story so I'll just make my own.

Higher Ranks in Nobles:
-Royalty, Duke, Marquess, Earl.
-They can go to school at age 11.

Lower Ranks in Nobles:
-Viscount, Baron.
-They can go to school at age 15.
(Which Victoria, the heroine, have arrived and the start of the game.)

Before they get to school, they're homeschooled. They have lessons thrice a week.

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