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The Britannian Kingdom were the first to explore the New World, dubbed Elementia, because of its variety of land and resources. As soon as they discovered it, many travellers immigrated into the new lands to build new settlements. Other kingdoms like Italian, Germania, Hispania and Holland joined in as they also immigrated to the New World. Conflicts arise between the settlers and the native mobs who roamed the land, but the settlers were far more modern in technology. Many towns were established in the New World like Blackwater, Fort Juniper, etc.

However, an event would attract much attention from around the world. A competition was held by the Prime Minister of Britannia where people were tasked to find a Dragon Egg somewhere in the New World. The one who manages to find it would receive a cash reward of $500,000,000. However, it would be a difficult task to handle, as casualties will not be cooperated by the international government. This is where our story starts.

March 20, 1895. R.M.S. Pacifica.

The Britannian crew ship R.M.S. Pacifica sailed towards Sapphire Harbour. A young brown haired man overlooked the deck, gazing at the harbour. He had pale skin and crystal blue eyes like diamonds. He packed himself a tent, a rifle, specifically the Winchester 1873 and brought himself his horse named Domino. Distracted by the beautiful scenery, a man wearing a bowler hat tapped his shoulder from behind. He turned around and saw the bowler hat man.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you one of the people who are participating in the Dragon Genus?" the bowler hat man asked.

The brown haired man nodded.

"Well, what is your name?"

"Adams. William Adams." the brown haired man introduced himself. "I assume you want to be friends with me?"

"How would you know that?" he asked.

"Well, why would you want to know my name. That's the number one basis of becoming friends with a person." William replied, chuckling. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Peter, Peter Sanford." the bowler hat man introduced himself. "It's nice to have your acquaintance."


The ship came to a halt as it arrived at its destination; Sapphire Harbour. The 1000 people who boarded the ship disembarked, heading down to the docks. William waited by the side of the platform for his horse to arrive. Then, the horses unloaded from the ship and the people who brought their horses came to retrieve their horses.

"Whoa, easy there, buddy!" William said, calming his horse down.

He removed the rope attaching his horse and mounted it. He trotted through the harbour, until he found the gathering of the contestants. He got into the crowd and listened to the person in charge of the event.

"Alright, folks. Welcome to the Draco Genus event! So far, around 10,000 people have joined the event, which is a really large number if you ask me. The rules are simple, each contestant has to retrieve the dragon egg somewhere around this new land. Contestants are allowed to go solo, in pairs and in groups. Those who retrieve and bring back the egg will receive a reward of $500,000,000. I know it may sound exciting, but God knows what kinds of mobs are out there. As a reminder, casualties during the race will not be tolerated by the international government, so stay safe out there. Contestants are allowed to leave at any time, starting from now. Good luck, and godspeed everyone!" the person in charge explained the entirety of the event.

The contestants scattered as they made their way to nearby motels and hotels to stay in for the moment. However, William willingly left the harbour and made his way into the woods where he would start his adventure into the wild to find the dragon egg. Luckily for him, he bought a map from a convenient store, so it gave him a short advantage as a head start.

"Okay, let's see. Where do I go from here?" he talked to himself, looking at the map he got.

He headed north through the woods, until he came across a nearby river. It was perfect, because he would get a water supply. He dismounted his horse and looked around the place. There were trees nearby and a mountain further west. It would be a perfect spot for him to camp out for tonight. He placed his travelling bag down and opened it, taking out his combat knife. He went into the woods and gathered enough sticks to make a campfire.

Gathering some supplies, he came across a herd of cows in the open fields. He slowly approached them, pulled out his rifle and fired, killing five in the process. It was enough beef to supply him for the day. As hours passed by, the sun began to set as the sky turned red. William headed back to his camping spot. 

He quickly pitched his tent before it became dark, poked the ground with a stick he crafted to hitch his horse and gathered the sticks for the campfire. He lit a match and threw it in the sticks, lighting the fire. The sky turned dark as night approached. He decided to call it for a day. He headed into his tent where his sleeping bag was. He snuggled up in it and blew the lantern, turning off the light source. So far, his first day was doing fine.

- To Be Continued - 

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