Chapter 4: Delta's Past

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It's been a few months since the games and Kaga was assigned to be Delta's secretary. At first Kaga was still complaining on why Amagi wanted her to become the secretary, stating that Amagi would have been better for this role but Delta just denied her saying that she was doing great even though Delta had to redo some of Kaga's written reports at home. All the while Delta was teaching Kaga the ways to win a battle and how to rely on others for tough situations. All seemed well until a letter was delivered at Kaga's home containing something that immediately gave her a furious expression. Without another thought she ran towards her commanders office ignoring all the odd looks she received. Entering without even knocking she saw her commander sitting on her seat and immediately asked her...

Kaga: "You knew about this didn't you?!"

Kaga was showing her commander a letter that contained a copy of the treaty stating that all nations must downscale their naval forces to a certain requirement and those ships that didn't meet the requirement were to be either decommissioned or worse. Scrapped.

Delta was unfazed by her secretary's sudden outburst seeing as this also happened in her world. Knowing she needed to choose her next words carefully, she thought of a way to calm Kaga down to avoid any conflict.

Delta: *sigh* "I was hinted at it but I thought it was for any future constructions not towards those like you, Kaga."

Kaga: "Then tell me why is our nation even agreeing to these terms?! Those nations are just afraid of what we can do."

Delta: "It may seem that way to you but to the others it is merely a way to prevent any other nation to have superiority over the seas."

Kaga: "Then what will happen to me then?! Decommissioned? Scrapped. Either of those deny me of my purpose. To destroy the enemy and fight for my nation! Even if I get remodeled to another ship like a cruiser or one of those aircraft carriers, those "planes" they have don't compare to my cannons!"

Delta: "And why do they don't compare to your cannons?"

Kaga: "My cannons can obliterate an entire fleet with just one barrage."

Delta: "And those planes can destroy a city and everything living in it with just one bomb."

Kaga: "But...if I lose my cannons then who even am I? I won't be Kaga the second ship of the Tosa-class battleship. My conversion to one of those carriers isn't even guaranteed. Nagato-sama says there is high possibility that I will be decommissioned."

Delta: "Don't worry about that."

Kaga: "What do you mean?"

Delta: *smiles* "I won't let my secretary be decommissioned. Ill convince Nagato-sama somehow to keep you commissioned or converted to a carrier if you wanted. But regarding who you are."

Delta rises from her seat and approaches Kaga before enveloping her in a hug.

Delta: "Even if your not a battleship anymore, to me you will always be Kaga. My firey and determined secre-, no, friend."

Kaga was silent for a few minutes and this caused Delta to worry. She still wasn't good at consoling people as she was still a bit new to other emotions. Delta slowly let the hug go and looked at Kaga who had shadows over her eyes.

Delta: "Kaga? Are you alright? I didn't mean to-"

Delta was cut off as Kaga hugged her again and began crying unable to hold all of her emotions in anymore.

Kaga: "Wh-Why do you always call me a friend? I am merely a weapon at your disposal. Why are you so hard headed that you want me to believe that you actually care for me as a friend?! Do you take me as a fool?"

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