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So, I know it's supposed to be the Kriegsmarine chapter up next but due to a random update, my phone was force to restart taking the entire chapter with it. When I was rewriting or retyping the chapter last night I noticed something off. After rewatching a documentary of the naval history I came to realize that the history of the Kriegsmarine was tied to the history of the Royal Navy and vice versa (i.e. Sinking of the Hood made the British realize just how important the Bismarck was).

So I decided that instead of doing one nation per chapter I'll make it with 2 nations each with their respective opponents in naval warfare during WW2 so the Royal Navy and Kriegsmarine for the first then the U.S. Navy and Imperial Japanese Navy for the second.

Also I'm wondering if you would like me to add any Ironblood ship that will join the tour. Currently it's only Eugen and Hipper so vote for any of them to join the tour...



Surprise ship...maybe...

I know it's only 3 choices but unfortunately only Nimi and Z1 joined Eugen and Hipper when they helped the Sakura Empire.

That's all for now. I can't promise the exact date I can finish the chapters but hopefully by next week or so. Anyways thank you and peace ✌️✌️

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