Don't Call Me Baby

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You don't realise how little attention you pay to your phone when it has no apps, when it only has the ability to call and text, which your phone company is going to charge a small fortune for you to do. I'm starting to wonder why anyone even bothered owning a phone before Facebook, insta and snapchat were invented and if I do send a text I have to fit everything I want to say into 160 characters without the option of emojis. On the plus side though, the battery life has lasted 3 days without needing to be charged and it was still sitting at half full, which I discovered on Tuesday morning when I dug my phone out of my handbag, where it had been forgotten about since Sunday. I laughed to myself when I saw that it was set to silent mode, a habit that I now live by because I hate the sound of a ringtone.

I saw that I had three text messages yet had to go searching  through the phone to read them, not a simple task when you're used to owning an iPhone but I found them eventually, two from Sam and one from Kate. I decided to read Kate's first, thinking Sam's would most likely be some sort of explanation for his behaviour on Sunday

Kate: I know it's L8 notice but Sam offered me a lift this morning so you don't have too xx

It was only then that I realised that Bridget and I did used to pick Kate up and drive her to school, we'd leave early to grab a take away coffee along the way, well hot chocolate for Bridge because she hated the taste of coffee when she was a teenager, as an adult she can't start her morning without two strong cups. It wasn't that big of a deal, considering she lived not far from his house but it did seem odd that Sam would offer Kate a lift, they were never really that close. Sam wasn't really close to anyone apart from Lucas.

I sent a quick reply back to Kate, well as quick as I could be without the use of a full keyboard, cursing as I pushed a number too many times and it went past the letter I needed so I had to hit it another 6 times to get it back to where I wanted it, now I know why Kate abbreviated 'late'. By the time I hit send I was frustrated, an emotion that grew stronger once I opened Sam's first message, which I noticed he had sent last night.

Sam: 22 cents for your thoughts

That was it, no explanation for the way he acted on Sunday, no apology for just dumping me back at my car and then speeding off. I could give you my thoughts Sam but it would take more than the 160 characters that the Nokia 3310 has allowed me to send in a text. I didn't bother reading his second message, I just deleted it and threw my phone into the front pocket of my school bag, determine to not let Samual Lions ruin my second first day of year 12.

My father was a carpenter, so he had left for the job site before the sun came up, leaving Bridget and I alone to get ready for school, I had the forethought to pack my lunch the night before, allowing myself more time to get ready that morning. I showered, ate breakfast and got dressed and was ready to go, meanwhile Bridget was still in her pyjamas, hair not brushed as she slowly munched on her cocoa puffs. I get it though, Bridget detested going to school, it was hell for her dealing with the bullying. I decided to pack her lunch for the day, to help get her out the door sooner, throwing in an extra rolled oats bar knowing that she'd be hungry again before recess. By the time she was finally finished getting ready it was already 745am and I knew we would be cutting it tight to get coffee and make it to roll call by 830.

I had just finished locking the front door when I saw the shinny black truck pull into our driveway, stereo blasting the The Offspring.

"Sorry we're a little late, Kate insisted we stop for mochas before we get here, said something about you being a bear with a sore head without your caffeine" Sam said, laughing as I look at him confused. Bridget wasted no time climbing into the back seat behind Kate on the passenger side, who then hands Bridget a cup.

✔️Soundtrack to My Youth (18+)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu