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"Roni I don't feel so good" Bridget complained when she slumped down into a dinning chair on Friday morning. Her nose was red, eyes puffy and she sounded congested. I placed a hand on her forehead and felt she was radiating heat from a fever. 

"Go back to bed Bridgy, no school today" I told her, handing her the box of tissues from the centre of the table. "I'll bring you in some honey tea and toast"

She begins her slow walk back to her bedroom but stops and turns, leaning against the dinning room doorway for support, her face full of disappointment.

"Does this mean I can't go out for dinner tonight either?" She sniffles and grabs a few tissues from the box to blow her running nose.

"I'm afraid so" The poor kid looks like death warmed up and her only concern is missing out on celebrating Kristen's fall from grace. "I'll bring you home some dessert" I promise her, she gives me a small smile and shuffles off back towards her bedroom.

I check my emails while I wait for the kettle to boil and am excited when I see Sam's name in my inbox with the subject line 'I have a surprise for you'. I click on the email and go make Bridget's cup of tea while the next page slowly loads, dial up internet is the worst and coupled with an outdated operating system, the wait time could be anywhere from a minute, up to 10, it seemed that the greater the urgency the slower it would run, just to frustrate me, jokes on you dial up, one day you will be replaced by a much faster, more sophisticated system and people will look back on these times and curse your existence, but for now I have to suffer through with you because I have nothing else.

By the time I had made tea and toast for Bridget, I returned to find the computer had shit itself trying to load the email and was now giving me the dreaded blue screen of death as punishment for asking it to do one job. How is there not more media reports of people getting so fed up that they just throw the whole crappy machine out the window? 

Fed up and angry I just shut the computer down, realising I don't have anymore time to waste, I have to get ready for school because Kate would be here in 20 minutes and I was still in my pyjamas. 

I was pulling my hair up in to a lazy, 'I can't be arsed' top knot when I heard Kate's VW blue beetle outside, I grabbed my school bag and binder and shouted out a goodbye to Bridget. Dad was on a half day and would be home soon from work so I sent him a text to let him know that Bridget was sick and quarantining in her room, warning him to steer clear of her, last thing he needed in his condition was to catch the flu and end up in hospital.

"Morning Sweets, I grabbed you a mocha" Kate greeted me, handing me a much welcomed warm cup of coffee. "Unfortunately it comes with a side of bad news I'm afraid"

I stop mid sip, alarmed that there could be something wrong with the babies, although I doubt she'd be attending school today if that was the case.

"Are you ok?" 

"Oh, yeah, the bubs are fine" She reassures me after seeing the panic spread across my face, I let out a breath of relief. "Alex and I can't go out for dinner tonight"

"What? No, you have to go, Bridget is home sick with the flu and if you don't go then it will just be me and Lucas, alone, together, like a date" The panic resurfaces, this can't be happening.

"I'm sorry Roni, my parents gave Alex and I a hard lecture about needing to save as much money as we can before the twins arrive and how 'celebration dinners with friends' is not a priority right now." They're right, I know that they're right but still it just added to my crappy morning.

"I understand, I'll just have to break the news to Lucas that the dinner is off. He's going to be crushed, he kinda has no one right now and is really trying to become a better person, I think he needed this more than any of us, just to feel included" Lucas had been sitting with us again since Tuesday and had really been making an effort to show everyone that he was making a change, even Kate had commented to me that she was surprised by his turn around.

✔️Soundtrack to My Youth (18+)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن