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I was eating breakfast when Bridget walked into the dinning room and slumped down in the seat across from me, she had heavy bags under her eyes like hadn't got much sleep last night. I handed her a piece of toast that I had smeared peanut butter on and she grunted out a thank you as she bit into it. I got up to make us more and returned to find her sipping on my coffee, screwing her face up with each intake.

"Trying something new?" I asked her, hiding my smirk behind my hand, my Bridget is addicted to caffeine but this Bridget can't even handle more than a mouthful.

"I was hoping it might help me wake up, I couldn't sleep last night, I just tossed and turned, finally fell asleep around 3am and then my alarm went off at 7" She complains, taking another sip.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I question her, she puts her toast down on her plate and I can see the tears appearing in her eyes. I get up from my seat and come sit in the one beside her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"Every one is going to hate me Roni" She cries on my shoulder.

"I could never hate you Bridget, you're my favourite sister" I reassure her, gaining a small smile from her.

"I'm your only sister" She points out and I laugh.

"Well then, you're my favourite sibling and you can tell Carson that too" I tell her, her body stiffens at the mention of our half brother Carson, who is 5 years older than I am. It's no secret that we both can't stand him.

"Do you think he's going to be at Mum's house this weekend?" She asks me nervously. Carson would go out of his way to be difficult every time we would stay at our Mothers and what made it worse was that our mother would turn a blind eye to how he would treat us, telling Bridget and I to simply 'Stay out of his way and then he will leave you alone'. Easier said than done in a tiny 3 bedroom house.

When I had complained to Dad about it he said that Carson was jealous of Bridget and I because we had a father and Carson's wanted nothing to do with him. Dad had tried to be that father figure to Carson when he was married to Mum but the more he tried the worse Carson became and in the end it caused the rift between my parents.

"We will just ignore him if he is there and on Sunday we can go watch Sam play soccer which will get us out of the house" I tell her, the mention of Sam brightens her mood significantly.

"Did you kiss Sam?" She asks me, her eyes going wide with excitement.

"I did and it was unbelievably great." I smile at the memory of Sam's lips on mine, tingles spreading throughout my whole body at just the thought.

"Is he your boyfriend now?" Her question makes me laugh a little and she looks at me confused.

"Sam doesn't do relationships, he doesn't want a girlfriend. I've known Sam for a long time, he used to come out with Lucas and I, with a different girl each week, this is who he is, he loves the thrill of the chase. He's a player and I'm sure once a girl sleeps with him then he loses interest." I explain to my sister but she shakes her head.

"Sam doesn't sleep around" She states firmly, "You don't know him at all" She storms out of the dinning room dramatically, leaving me to clean up the plates from breakfast. Great, moody Bridget, just what I need.


Sam arrived just before 8am to pick us up, the conversation I had with Bridget weighing heavy on my mind as he pulled into the driveway and got out of the truck to greet me.

"Hey pretty girl" He said as he wrapped his arms my waist, drawing me in close to him, "I have coffee waiting for you in the car and Kate has been killing my ears with the Spice Girls"

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