Always the Last To Know

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"How did your parents take the news?" I ask Kate as she, Bridget and I set up our chairs along the sidelines of Miller's field. It was the last Crushers' game before the semi finals, which meant that the Crushers had to win this game to stay in the competition. The boys were pumped as they headed out onto the field to play against the Maitland Magpies.

Sam wanted so badly to end the season on a high because it would be the last that he would get to play for the Crushers so he was rallying the team, getting them hyped up in the hopes of a win.

"Well Dad did that thing where he sticks his head in the paper and pretends he's tuning us out but Mum flipped out, she was ranting on about how irresponsible Alex and I were and how we know nothing about having a baby but she shut up so fast when I reminded her that I pretty much raised Logan after she had Kyle"

It was true, Kate's brothers, Logan and Kyle were only 15 months apart and Tyler was 4 years older than Logan that along with the fact that Elijah was due to arrive within the next few months their house could get pretty hectic at times which meant that Kate's parents relied heavily on her to help out with a lot of baby-sitting and making sure the older children were looked after if her parents were busy with the younger ones.

"I guess we will start calling you a breeder now" Bridget laughs, earning her a fierce look of 'don't even think about it' from Kate.

"How did it happen?" I knew Kate, she was always very careful to not slip up, her Mother had put her on birth control before she'd even had her first kiss and she carried a variety of condoms everywhere with her.

"It was the night of your 18th party, we were both really drunk and really careless" She admits sheepishly.

"But you're on the pill"  I state

"I ran out and I was a week late getting my new prescription"  She lowers her head down in shame, she's had enough people berating her about her mistake, she doesn't need me joining in too.

"You'll make an amazing Mum Kate, you've already got years of practice under your belt and I just know you'll be the best Mum" I encourage her and she looks up at me and smiles.

"Life would be so much easier if I was a lesbian, seriously, all the sex I wanted without ever having to worry about getting pregnant" She laughs.

"Seriously!" Bridget interjects, grabbing our attention, "You think my life is easy? My Mother destroyed my relationship and now my girlfriend lives 5 hours away. Do you have any idea how hard it is to have a relationship with someone when all you can do is send them emails and wait days for a reply" She huffs, frustrated by her own situation. The past couple of weeks hadn't been easy on Bridget at all, she was checking her inbox daily but Amber's replies were growing more distant. 

I look out onto the field where the game is now in play, watching Sam run down the length of the oval with the ball, skilfully dodging his competitors and then he passes it off to Alex who makes the kick that goes flying past the goalie and hits the back of the net.

Our issues seem pretty insignificant compared to those that Kate and Bridget are going through really. When I was with Lucas I felt like I was always coming to Kate in tears, crying over the fact that he'd let me down yet again and she'd give me a shoulder to cry on and some great advice that I'd stupidly never take because he'd convince me that he's love me and that he would do better next time...he never changed though.

"What did you do yesterday?" Kate asks me, trying to lift both herself and Bridget out of their funks by bringing the conversation back to a happier topic.

"I worked and then Sam and I went to the markets at school" I tell her, smiling to myself just thinking about what we got up to on Mr Waltons desk yesterday.

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