Waiting For Tonight

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Saturday was somewhat slower at the clinic this week, giving Kelsey and I time to chat in between patients. I learnt that she was studying nursing and was in her second year, was dating a pre-med student but it wasn't serious because of his busy schedule, she thought about ending it completely but the 'mind blowing sex' was what kept her holding on to him. She was extremely open when talking about her sex life and the men she had slept with, telling me stories about the really bad ones and how this guy was the best she'd ever had...so far. She made me laugh hysterically all morning and we were fast becoming friends.

I felt so comfortable talking to her because of how open she was and how I knew that there'd be no judgement. I shared with her how Sam and I had done the deed on the history desk the week before and watched as her whole face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I was a virgin when I was in high school, didn't lose it until my first month at uni and even then it was just tame, boring, bedroom sex but you Veronica, you are living my wildest high school dreams" She clapped her hands excitedly. "So you and Doctor Lions' son..."


"You and Sam, you're a thing right? I wasn't reading that wrong last week?"

"He's my boyfriend, we've been together since February " The best three months of my life, minus the times when we fight which really is hardly ever.

"I guessed that he would have known your ex too, that's kinda why I let you go early, just to save a confrontation in the waiting room"

I'm so grateful that she was intuitive last week when Sam came in, I can't imagine how I would of dealt with them clashing in a public place, it was bad enough on Monday at Lucas', although I would like to help them heal their broken friendship, seeing as though I am the cause of the fracture, it seems only right that I bring the two of them back together, I just need Sam to see the change in Lucas, then he will surely let him back into his life.

"They used to be best friends." Guilt eating me up just telling her that much, I know she must be thinking it, that I came between them so I told her everything, from how I started dating Lucas, not knowing Sam had feelings for me, the bet they'd made, the way Lucas had treated me throughout our whole relationship, the break up, Sam making a move and me running from love until I realised he wasn't anything like Lucas and that I loved him, what happened when Lucas found out and the fights the boys had had.

"Lady, that is more drama than what I get on an episode of  Days of Our Lives" She laughed as she played with the pen between her fingers, I'd never thought about how much the three of us had been through, in the year alone. "We need a girl's night out" She suddenly announces, she grabs a piece of paper from the printer and starts scribbling her details on it then hands it to me. "You're coming to my house tonight and then we'll go clubbing, don't bring anything but a change of clothes and make up, I've got plenty of booze and we can drink and get ready together."

That actually sounded like something I needed, a night away from all the boy drama in my life. It had been over 10 years since I last went out clubbing, I'd stopped going after Kate got married and Bridget had met Carol but I always loved the thrill and excitement of getting dressed up and dancing until my feet felt like they were going to fall off.

"I'm so down for that, I'll need to go shopping for a new dress and heels" I pull my purse from my bag, trying to calculate if I have enough money for a new outfit and a night out, plus needing extra for the taxi ride home, suddenly realising the other reason I stopped going clubbing, the cost, it is so much cheaper to get drunk at home and dance around in the living room.

"Cool, come by my house at around 7, I live with a flat mate but he won't bother us, he mainly just keeps to himself but if we ask him nicely he may just drive us into town" She digs her phone out of her own bag and shoots a text off to who I assume is her flat mate, who replies within seconds with a yes. "Oh and you can borrow a dress and heels from me hun"

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