Hot Water.

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Brash and bold actions were noted as the team worked their way to the car. Elora was sat alone for only a moment when they came back but her eyes never looked past the floor.

"Officer Bundy has taken her to her house." Morgan thanked the officer who spoke to him before he climbed into the front seat of the car.

"Elora. Do you want to talk?" Her eyes had glazed over and he could see that she was clearly in her own world.

"She has been forced to face a childhood trauma. Don't take it too personally." Rossi muttered as he took the wheel and the engine was started.

They drove in silence and the sight of the station caused relief to fill David and Derek as they could see Elora shaking some more. Her fingers running across her thigh as she tapped them in a pattern.

"Garcia has already called for the jet to be ready so we can leave as quickly as we can. The unsub is behind bars as we speak." Grey eyes showed no signs of having listened to anyone but Derek had moved on quickly as he watched the car park surrounding him.

"The others are already back so we just have to get our things." Four surrounding cars could be heard as their doors were opened and then shut with loud slams.

Footsteps merged into a cluster as they all moved in a relatively slow pattern. The moon was shining but the thick clouds had managed to cover it. The night seemed to be one of a kind.

The team walked through the doors and Garcia's bubbly attitude was made obvious. Yellow and pink was all that could be seen as she wore them with pride. The double doors were swung open and her smile grew twice the size as she waited for them to talk. Miserable faces were all that met her and they passed her by as if she hadn't even been there. Eyes narrowed and lips puckered as she waited to see if an explanation could be given, but it wasn't.

"Right my Dark Night. Spill, what happened out there?" His eyes sprung to Elora as she picked up her glass that had been drunk and went to put it into the kitchen.

Garcia had watched the odd look and raised both of her eyebrows before placing both hands on her hips.
"Derek Morgan. What did she do? No, don't tell me that she lost her cool." Derek shook his head and went to walk into the kitchen but Rossi stepped in his way.

"Not now Kiddo. Spencer is in there already and I don't think that she is ready to talk about it to us." Morgan nodded and Garcia was walking furiously over to the pair.

"Don't tell me that she is leaving. In two years that woman has become a fabulous fountain of knowledge, even if she knows how to kill someone with horrifying methods." Morgan smiled and put her at ease as he shook his head.

"She said something is all. Elora talked the unsub down from killing but in doing so she let slip the horrible secrets that she has spent years trying to cover." The three watched the door and had noted that neither of the agents in the kitchen had left yet.

Elora didn't seem to be able to grasp anything as the cup was washed under a constant flow of the water. Spencer, who had been about to head out decided that he would clean something up. His eyes constantly looking off to her as she moved. He could see that she was blank and a part of him had thought that she hadn't even noticed him.

The cup had been washed but the soap pump was grabbed as she began to wash her hands over and over, the long sleeves were pulled up by an inch and the boiling water cascaded. Brown eyes had been watching on but his mind was clouding as he could see how hot the water was getting.

"Elora." Her attention was still up in the air as she didn't even flinch or move as he spoke. Spencer had repeated the name-calling for a while before he turned on the cold tap beside the one she was using and turning off the hot tap. He pulled her hands over to the fresh flow of water and only then did she move.

"Sorry. Were you talking to me?" His mouth hung open as he tried to speak but he couldn't think of anything so he just nodded.

"You were burning your hands." Her eyes darted down and the red skin could be seen, her red eyes still focusing on something else entirely but quickly she began to let the cold drop all over the raw skin.

"Thanks." Her voice had never gained the formalness that it usually took but she managed to stop the wobble of it.

"It's fine," Spencer whispered so softly that Elora had practically missed it but she was aware of his presence that stood behind her. He didn't move anywhere for a long moment.

The tap was turned off and she towel-dried her hands. The bin was close by and so as she threw it in, she finally gave in to what her body had wanted. Cries left and sobs were quietly pushed down as her mind became darker.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry." His breathy voice was heard as he spoke and she wiped the tears away before her hands fell to the side of the sink and she gripped onto the edge with all her might.

One single hand met her upper arm and turned Elora before her face was buried into his chest. The soft fabric of the shirt that he wore was brought to her face and her fingers clutched his back as she let everything go.

"You know, we are all here for you and always will be. Even if you don't want us to because that is what a family does. They look after and love each other until the end of time. Garcia once told me that JJ and Hotch were like a pair of dysfunctional parents. She has our whole family dimension figured out. Apparently, she sees me as the nerdy brother who is never at Christmas dinner." His smile could be heard as he spoke but Elora didn't budge for a while until she had stopped crying, her head pulling back and her eyes meeting his.

"Dare I ask who I was in this dysfunctional family? What about the others?" Her smile was a response to his but he had quickly lost his smile as she showed her face, his smile returned the second she spoke though.

"You're the cute little sister that is secretly a badass that the older siblings should be scared of. Derek is the big brother. Emily is the distant aunt and Rossi is the fun uncle who has no idea how not to spoil children." They both began to laugh at the absurdity of it all until Elora saw a black stain on his shirt.

"I got mascara on you. Come over here. Quickly." He was yanked after he wasn't quick enough and the dish soap was grabbed and placed on a cloth before cold water was run over it. A few moments later there was a small patch of water behind and all traces of makeup disappeared. A towel was grabbed and she dried it enough to go unnoticed.

"They will never know. Now, I heard Morgan say that the jet had been ordered. They must be there already. Can't have you missing the trip back home now can we Spencer?" Spencer gestured to the door and Elora walked out from the kitchen with him behind her. The pair catching a glimpse of the team around one of the corners but they caught Garcia's eye first as she smiled and walked up to them.

"Perfect timing. The jet is due here any minute and Hotch got both of your things. He thought that you might need a moment." They both nodded and then walked over to the group as they calmly spoke.

"At least he isn't dead. There was a life saved tonight and it doesn't matter if he lives for a day or he lives a full life, Elora did well." JJ hadn't noticed the arrival of the new pair but soon she did as eyes moved to them.

"How is it going Sugar?" Elora laughed at the comment and she found herself being accepted into their circle, Spencer fitting in at another point.

"Good. Spencer told me that this case isn't about me and he also said that I need to get my head out of my arse. My self-centred mindset is limiting the team. He also told me about how you all dislike me anyway so I shouldn't hold you back further." Spencer went wide-eyed and Garcia gave a suspicious glance at him before he then let his jaw drop and he looked around for some support.

"Oh, I'm glad Spencer, you have saved us the job of telling her," Rossi muttered as Hotch walked up to the group.

"We should leave now. The jet is almost ready and we have to drive there still." The whole team had turned to the door and ignored the open-mouthed doctor.

The jet was quickly entered and Garcia watched her team sit like a pole had been shoved up their butts.

"Spencer, if you keep making those faces I might send you to see a doctor." Smiles began but soon fell as sleep grew to be too powerful.

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