Chapter 15

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Roman's POV

Day 3 (Another page out of @GiveMeMyOwn's book but oh well)

"What do you mean I have to stay with him?" I ask.

"Simple; Patton and I are both occupied for the majority of the day, so the only logical option would be for you to watch him," Logan explains. Why did I become friends with him again?

"Did you forget that I have rehearsal today?!" I point out. As much as I was trying to accept Virgil, I felt like it just wasn't gonna work. I couldn't trust someone else, especially when they were a villain, so easily. That and, any chance of him liking me was probably thrown out the window with how rude I've been, "What happened to, 'let's let him stay here so Deceit and Duke don't find him'?"

"Well, you don't really trust him right? I can't really bring him to the shop and Logan can't leave him in the break room, so this is the best way to keep an eye on him. Unless you'd rather leave him here all day?" Patton says, looking innocent. Does he realize how good of points he's making or is this on accident?

I really don't want to leave Virgil here to snoop through my stuff... "Fine."

"Thanks Ro!" He says, grabbing his bag and leaving before I can say anything else.

Logan finishes his Crofter's covered toast before heading to his room, what a social butterfly. Virgil comes out of his room, looking sleep deprived like normal, "Hey."

He looks surprised that I said anything, what a good sign that is, "Hey."

"Fair warning, Patton and Logan are gonna be busy, so we're stuck together for the day. And you'll have to come to rehearsal with me," I say awkwardly. What tone am I supposed to use for that? If I sound confident, I'll sound like a jerk, or someone who's way too comfortable with this. But I can't sound not confident, it's against my entire persona.

"Oh...great," He says slowly. What a great actor he is, because I'm very convinced that he's okay with this, clearly. I should be the one not wanting to be around him, he shouldn't feel the same way.

"It's gonna be from one to three," I say, receiving only a nod in response. Oh, this is gonna be so awkward isn't it?

- - -

Fifteen minutes before rehearsal, I grab my bag and lead Virgil to my car silently. For the first three minutes of the ride, we sit in absolute silence, "Can we try not to make this awkward?" I suggest hopefully at a red light.

"What do you mean?" He asks, fidgeting with his sleeves.

"You seem to get along fine with Patton and Logan, but are extra...hesitant around me. I'm sorry if I've come off as rude but I'm not used to having bad guys turn good in real life so this whole situation has been a bit hard for me," I explain, only slightly regretting being so open. You gotta give trust to build it, right?

"Thanks for admitting that," He says, "I can't exactly blame you for not trusting me, I wouldn't have trusted you if the roles were reversed."

"Hey-! That's fair," I admit. He laughs slightly, hiding it behind his hand. I'm glad that lightened the atmosphere, if any more tension had been added we would have looked like mimes trapped in an imaginary box.

I pull up to the theater, and we both get out, "So, what am I supposed to do? Just sit there and watch the whole thing?" Virgil asks.

"Yeah if you want, or you could just stay on your phone the whole time, it doesn't really matter," I respond.

We head into the theater, "Roman hurry up we're starting early!" Corey calls. And there goes my hope that I could go five minutes without being yelled at, "Who's this?" She asks, pointing towards Virgil.

"This is my new roommate, Virgil, is it fine if he watches?" I ask. I know there's no actual reason for her to kick him out, but if she's in a bad mood she'll find a way.

"Fine," She agrees, turning to him, "Just stay quiet."

"Yes ma'am," Virgil squeaks out. Already scared of Corey? He'll fit right in.

Corey walks off, and I offer Virgil a shrug before heading backstage. I abandon my bag next to the blank background canvases, grabbing my script out first. Depending on Corey's mood, I may or may not get to keep it during the practice. Eh, it can't hurt to have. We do get to keep our scripts, but she's even more judgy than normal.

"Roman, pick up the pace, Michael is a very animated character."

"Chrissie, you need to sound human when reading your lines."

"Kyle, you're pretending to have a broken foot, you can't stand on it!"

At least we're not focusing on Michael-centric scenes today, so I get pretty long water breaks. After we ran through the 'get out of my way' scene, I head offstage. For once, the area is lit up so people can work on the costumes or on the backdrops. Since I'm not gonna have to do actual work for the rest of the rehearsal, I decide to just sit through my bag and check my phone. Patton usually sends a couple texts to us during his lunch break so I can always look through those, even though he won't see the message until hours later. I find my bag, along with a bunch of the helpers that are decorating several backgrounds.

Surprisingly, I see Virgil among them, "What are you doing back here?" I ask, hoping I don't come off like a jerk.

He shrugs, "Theater kids are very persuasive."

Taylor turns her attention away from the tree she was painting to smile, "You dragged him here didn't you?" I ask, already pretty sure of the answer.

"Maybe," She says, suddenly deciding to be productive and paint.

"Sorry if I'm not supposed to be here, she asked if I could help with the backgrounds and..." He cuts himself off suddenly.

"And??" What and is there, I already know that he draws, we've all seen him with his sketchbook.

He sighs, "And I've done this before."

Wait... "Were you a theater kid?!" I screech, earning a complaint from Corey.

"I was blackmailed into it, and I only ever helped out backstage," He says defensively.

I pulled him away from everyone, "Virgil 'Anxiety' Shaw was a theater kid."

"You're never gonna let this go, are you?" He asks, looking embarrassed.


"This is why I hate people." 

A/N: Figured I'd upload twice because it's my favorite side's b-day (Roman aka Royal Boi) and because I've stil got a couple pre-written chapters and an actual plan for the next three.

Edit: Also over 200 reads already, oKaY

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