💕 First Date 💕 ( Part 1 of 2)

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Shuichi's POV

'Should I go hat or no hat or should I wear a jacket to make a statement hah. NO THATS DUMB.

Ughh planning what to wear for a date is soooo harddd.

I guess I could FaceTime Kokichi to see what he's wearing first.

Kokichi's POV

Gah I can't find my good scarf.

I looked under my bed and found my dice scarf.

I decided to wear a big oversized hoodie with a heart and white pants.

Shuichi then suddenly FaceTimed me. Surprised I almost dropped my phone but didn't so I just answered.

Kokichi: "Hello Shuichi! How are ya?"

Shuichi: "I'm good Kokichi, what about you?"

Kokichi: "Wellll I'm okay Rantaro is out at the store and Kiibo is with Miu so I'm alone getting ready."

Shuichi: "In a bit would you like for me to go over to your place to keep you company.?"

Kokichi: "Of course! And. Should I leave my hair up or down like it usually is.?"

Shuichi: "Hm. well I've never seen your hair up so I would say up."

Kokichi: "Okay bai bai!"

Shuichi: "Bye Kokichi."

I leaped onto my bed only to hear someone knock on the door.

I walked to the door and opened it. Kaede was at the damn door. Damnit. I am screwed.-

Kokichi: "Oh heyyyyyy Kaedeeee hah.."

Kaede: "Hello Kokichi wanna hang out with me for a while?"

Kokichi: "Well I have a bit of time, so yeah why not?."

Kaede gestured me out of the door, so I went outside and grabbed my phone.

"Wanna get ice cream Kokichi!" Kaede said smiling playfully.

I mean she was being nice to me, so I couldn't refuse her offer.

"Of course I would Kaede." I said playfully.

Kokichi: "So has school been the same with you.? With you know the fans?"

Kaede: "Yeah people have been crowding me which is an invasion of my space."

Kokichi: "I know what you mean. I have these fans that call me baby, I'm not a baby.. Am I.?"

Kaede: "No, but baby just means you're a really lovable character that's hard to hate."

Kokichi: "I guess you're right, anyways, what have your fans been doing.?"

Kaede: "Hah I really don't know it's something about shipping but I really don't like that kind of stuff."

Kokichi: "You would have to admit that you and Rantaro would make a good couple."

Kaede: "Yeah yeah hah."

We finally arrived to the ice cream shop, and I got vanilla, and Kaede of course got strawberry.

We started to walk back to continue talking when we ran into Kiibo and Miu.

Kokichi: "eh? Oh wait I forgot you guys were on a date."

Kaede: "Awww they're datingggg, how cuteee."

Miu: "Kokichi you abortion!"

Kiibo: "Uh but why are you guys here?. Kokichi I thought you had a-."

I elbowed him before he could say that I had a date with Shuichi. He had almost forgotten that Kaede had broken up with Shuichi.

He realized his mistake and made a quick save.

Kiibo: "A meeting for your job."

Kokichi: "Nahhhh silly that's tomorrow heheh.."

Kaede: "Oh shoot I have to go! I promised Tsumugi I would help her edit the new episodes of danganronpaV3! Bye bye guys, and thank you for hanging out with me Kokichi."

Kokichi: "Anytime! Bye Kaede!"

Kaede then ran to the editing studio and I let out a huge breath. "Phewwww"

Kiibo: "You better hurry and get home before you miss Shuichi."

Kokichi: "Shit you're right! Bye Kiiboy, bye Cum dumpster!"

I ran to the house again and I just saw Shuichi park in the parking lot. Phew I had made it just in time.

Shuichi's POV

Kokichi's outfit was adorable and cute. He was running up to his house when I saw him.

But where was he before.?

Never mind. I ran up to him to give him a hug but was interrupted by Rantaro running up to the house from someone.

Rantaro: "I ha-. Think I phew.- lost ah.- her."

Shuichi: "Eh? Who? Was it a fan.?"

Rantaro: "yeah but I got away from her a mile back."

Shuichi: "Oh hah good job Rantaro."

Rantaro: "Thanks man , Anyways instead of me nagging you how about you give Kokichi that hug.?"

Shuichi: "Yeah."

I went back up to Kokichi to see him wearing a cute oversized hoodie with a scarf from dice.

I blushed then gave him a hug with Rantaro looking at us with a weird Fan shipping face like a cat.

"You look great.. Are you ready for our d-date.?" I asked blushing as I let go of him.

"Yeah of course I am! I can't wait to go on a date with my Shumai!~" Kokichi said playfully.

Kokichi then got out a gift from his house and handed it too me.

Kokichi: "Open it Nishishi!"

Shuichi: "Okay?"

I opened the box to see a picture frame with a picture of everyone while in the game of danganronpaV3.

I started to tear because this was the most thoughtful gift I had ever received.

Kokichi wipes one of my tears and smiled at me. He held the side of my cheek to make me feel better.

"My Shumai.. I l- I mean are you ready for our date Shuichi..?" Kokichi said hesitantly.

I nodded and we both started to hold hands.

Kokichi: "So where are we going?."

Shuichi: "The cherry blossom forest I set up something there."

Kokichi: "O-Okay."

A/N It's like two am over here so imma head to bed my luvs goodnight or day wherever you are. 💜💕✨

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