💜First Date💙 (Part 2 of 2)

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Shuichi's POV

I walked Kokichi into the cherry blossom forest and then he saw a green house in the beautiful shady fields.

I walked him in the house knowing he was just surprised there was even a green house here by the cherry blossoms.

Kokichi ran up to the house and went inside.
"Shumai, you did all of this.?"

"Well yeah. I already owned the property, because it used to be my uncle's." I replied blushing.

Kokichi looked at me and hugged me.

Kokichi's eyes widened when he saw a beautiful for two table around all the flowers.

Kokichi looked at me and looked back at the table then he blushed like a tomato.

Kokichi's POV

Holy crackers! Shuichi set all of this up!? All I gave him was a dumb gift...

I could take him out to the festival tomorrow if he has time..

Maybe he will but, all I can hope is I don't mess up at this moment..

I then remembered I had three pairs rollerblades at my house. I could take Saihara Chan skating later today!

I sneezed because of the daisy's and Shuichi looked at me and giggled.

Nooo that was so embarrassing.

I cover my face to hide my face, but then Shuichi grabbed my hands so he would get to see my face.

"Don't cover your face up, it's so cute." Shuichi said smiling.

Eep this was so embarrassing, I even told myself not to mess this up.

Kokichi: "T-this place is beautiful.. T-Thank you for bringing me here.."

Shuichi: "Anytime."

Shuichi's phone started to ring. Wait he had a detective job right.?

Shuichi: "Ahm yes.?"

I heard a muffled voice but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Shuichi:"I'm kinda in the middle of something boss.. Can it wait a bit.? Ah I see well I'll get to it after. Bye"

Kokichi: "Was it work? You're a detective right.?"

Shuichi: "Yeah they just gave me something to look at. But I'll do it after our date."

Kokichi: "Shumai you wanna go Rollerblading?! It'll be fun~"

Shuichi: "Hah sure?."

I grabbed a flower and put it in Shuichi's hair, then I quickly ran to my house and back to the green house.

I handed the skates to Shuichi and we both put our pairs on.

"Uh have you have done this?" I said giggling awkwardly.

Shuichi was wobbling a bit so I was curious if he actually knew how to skate.

"I've skated before but was never good at it Ah-!" Shuichi almost fell but I caught him.

"I'll help you Shumai."

"Thank you." Shuichi replied blushing embarrassed.

I held Shumai's hand I slowly guided him, ready to catch him if he fell.

He almost semi tripped but I was there to help him balance. I guided him to the Boba tea shop.

"I'll pay! I have extra money to spare!" I said happily.

Shuichi: "You have a job.?"

Kokichi: "Well yeah!? Why would I not have a job?"

Shuichi: "Fair point but what's your job?"

Kokichi: "Well I've been doing a lot of interviews for danganronpa and I've been getting payed to go to them. They're like expo's but we all have our own Merch."

Shuichi: "Wow Kokichi that's so cool!"

I nodded happily. The interviews were nice to go to and get paid to do them but it was nerve racking to talk about danganronpa and the scary events.

My manager had told me that most of the other Cast turned it down in fear of remembering the horrible things that happened.

But I agreed because I wanted to be the one who stood up and not chickening out.

Shuichi got Passion fruit green tea, and I got milk tea.

Shuichi kept making funny faces and jokes to make me laugh while drinking my tea. I laughed and almost choked.

"Shuichi *Cough* how *ngh* dare you *cough cough cough*" I said coughing so I wouldn't die.

Shuichi smacked my back and I stopped coughing. I covered my eyes because they were a bit red a teary.

"I'm sorry Kokichi." Shuichi said tapping my shoulder.

I gave him a thumbs up but still covered my eyes. Shuichi cupped the side of my cheek and rubbed my face.

Shuichi then looked at me deeply in the eyes. "Kokichi..." He came closer to me.

Kokichi: "Y-yes Shumai.?"

Shuichi leaned closer to me.

"Shuichi what are you doing?!" I asked angry and flustered.

From The Day We Met..//Oumasai//Saiouma..Where stories live. Discover now