Tony Stark - Jericho

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"Hey, Calli, did you hear? Tony Stark is coming to show us some of his new weapons," my friend Tom called.

"Yeah, I heard. I've also been assigned to him. This is going to be fun," I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on, at least he's something to look at," Tom replied.

"Oh yeah right, maybe for you," I said giving my friend a shove. Tom was gay. We'd known each other since we were children.

"Ooh, burn. Come on, surely he most appeal to you on some level."

"Being used for a one night stand while he's drunk, no thank you. Just because he's rich doesn't mean he use people to get his rocks off."

"Are you sure you're the best one to protect him?" Tom teased me.

"Shut up Tommy, I'll do my job," I grumbled. 

I watched as Tony wandered around our camp, talking to the other soldiers. I had already been introduced to him. I kept him within my sights, but since he was surrounded by the rest of my group I wasn't too worried about him getting lost or hurt. It was when we would be leaving it in an hour to see the Jericho demonstration that I was concerned about. When we left the camp that's when we were at the most danger for being attacked.

He was an untrained civilian. He was talking to us about fear and respect. I rolled my eyes as he mentioned that he disagreed that the best weapon was one that you didn't have to fire. He thought the best weapon was one you only had to fire once. That wasn't respect, that was fear.

Once the weapon was released that aftershock blew our hats off. I was not pleased with the weapon. How many innocents would die when that was fired? What did it do to the environment? What if the wrong person got their hands on it?

I led him back to the rovers. "Are we in the first?" he asked me pointing with the hand that held his whiskey. 

"No, get in the second," I said sternly. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "The first vehicle is the first to go in a roadside bombing, get your ass in the second car Stark." I slid in beside him as two more of my platoon sat upfront. Another soldier sat in the back with us, he wanted a photo with Stark. He and Tony were taking this too lightly. As another soldier, Mark tried to get the camera to work the vehicle in front of us exploded. Tommy and Mark got out of the front and went into the firefight as we heard gunshots.

"Get down," I said pushing Stark down on the floor between the seats. "Alex give me your radio and go help the others." The kid beside Stark tossed me his radio and left. I called in that we were being shot at and Stark was with us. I reached in the back and pulled out another bulletproof vest. I wrestled Stark into it as a missile came through the window. I kicked open the door and pulled him out. I grabbed a  gun someone had dropped and handed Stark another gun off the ground. "Know how to use that?"

"Yeah," he said pointing and pulling the trigger but nothing happened. I reached over and turned the safety off.

"Then shoot and stay beside me." I took down about ten guys before Stark ran off and I chased him. I found trying to get a message out on his phone when a missile labeled Stark landed beside us. "Run!" I grabbed his wrist pulling him away from in it. The thing blew and I landed on him. I rolled off of him to see that the shrapnel had torn into his chest. I knew I had been hit but I didn't know how bad.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair with Tony beside me and a bunch of men speaking Arabic and holding guns on us, while being filmed. Ransom. Tony and I were then thrown into a cave and someone came to tend to us. "Who are you?" I asked still doing the job I was given.

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