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James woke up slowly. She opened her eyes and came face to chest with her coffee junkie. She smiled to herself and burrowed deeper into Brandon's arms that surrounded her from behind. She had never felt such a sense of peace than she had the past two mornings, waking surrounded by her boys. She took a minute to bask in the warmth before she eased herself from out of their hold carefully, trying not to wake anyone. She stood at the foot of her bed and just took a second to truly appreciate the incredible image the five of them made spread out on her California King bed. She was happy she had caved and bought herself the indulgent, large bed. But looking close she realised they would probably have to get another one made if the kept sleeping together every night. It was a touch too small to fit all their large frames comfortably. Never going to complain about those bodies. She thought and smirked at her dirty thoughts.

She turned and went into her en-suite to grab a quick shower before she had to get ready for her early morning meeting with Prof Ruiz. He had emailed her the night before to see if she could meet up this morning to go over all the assignments for the term. It was really an excuse to get together and have coffee and catch up. She really like Ruiz and was glad she was able to have him for a second year. She turned on the hot water and sunk into the spray. She just stood there enjoying the warmth and quiet when she suddenly felt a gush of cold air and hands sneaking around her waist to slip down and rub in between her legs. She jumped and squealed before she turned and realised it was Corey. She slumped against his chest and punched him half heartedly. "Jesus Link! You scared the bejeesus out of me." She mumbled and tried to get her heart to stop trying to beat itself out of her chest. He chuckled and ran his hands up and down her back to help with her efforts. "Sorry Ci, I just couldn't help myself when I saw you in here." He whispered into her ear, making her shiver and her body respond instantly. She looked up at him through her lashes and smiled, "Well a little warning would be appreciated next time. But I guess I can't complain about the company." She reached up and pulled his mouth down to hers. Morning showers were definitely looking up with the five of them in her life.

James got dressed and headed into the kitchen. She was standing in the doorway just appreciating the guys standing around eating and joking. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and took a picture. Hoping to catch the feeling she was having with just watching them enjoying themselves and looking perfect in her kitchen. Her home. Her life. She smiled as Raven jerked his head around as if he sensed her standing there.

He smiled warmly at her and beckoned her over. "Come Malenkiy Voin. We wait for you to make plans for day." She walked towards them intending to head over to the coffee pot, but was snagged by Raven and placed in his lap. "Ummm, Moy Voron, I love you with every fibre of my being, but if you don't let me up to get coffee I may just need to hurt you." The guys all started laughing, including Raven. Just as she was about to state how serious she was, Marc saved the big Russian and handed her a steaming cup of heaven. She took a big wiff and sighed contentedly. "My life is now complete." She was wistful and happy. Brandon mumbled "I really need to learn how to make coffee. Marc you gotta teach me." Marc scoffed "Not a chance in hell. That's my secret weapon. Find your own." Laughing she looked over at a sulking Brandon and said "How about this weekend we take the bikes out and go for a ride?" He lit up and jumped up to grab and spin her into him. She giggled and looked up at his huge smile "I'm taking that as a yes?" He just nodded and then looked to Marc with a smug smile "Guess I have my own thing with James now." Axel just shook his head and smiled indulgently at them.

James made her way to the faculty building with Axel. He had his arm around her and was rubbing the back of her neck. She smiled up at him and asked a question that had just occurred to her. "So how do we handle this whole relationship thing at school?" He looked down at her in question. "What do you mean?"

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