Chapter 20: And So, It Begins

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Zuko: Guess who uploaded the chapter a day late because instead of hitting the Publish button yesterday, she clicked the Save button instead?

Author-nim: ...

Author-nim: It was Momo.

Momo: *angry, undignified screeches*

Momo: *angry, undignified screeches*

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"Here we are." Aboard the airship, everyone got back to the palace free from any further obstructions from the New Ozai Society.

Fire Lord Zuko gave his utmost gratitude to his uncle, the Kyoshi warriors, as well as Mai and Kei Lo. After getting the much-anticipated autograph, Mai dragged a happy, limping Kei Lo away and headed back to the city.

Zuko led his family towards the tall, gilded, red oak doors of the palace. He opened the doors himself, eager to see their reactions, most importantly, his mother's.

Kiyi jumped down from her father's arms and took in her surroundings. "Wow! I knew it'd be big, but I didn't think your house would be this big!" Kiyi gushed as she marveled at the tall pillars that marked the pathway of the grand hall. "Come on, daddy! Let's go exploring!"

Noren laughed as his daughter tugged excitedly at his hand. "Kiyi, maybe we should rest first? After all, we've had a pretty... dramatic afternoon."

"Aww, what's the big deal?! I knew Zuzu would keep us safe the whole time! Come on! Come on!"

Chiyo suppressed a chuckle, watching shock and confusion cross Zuko's face. "You have to admit; the nickname is cute!"

He breathed out a sigh and shrugged. "It sounds much nicer coming from her than from Azula." He took Chiyo's hand and led her in. "Let's all go inside. I'll have them prepare dinner soon so we can rest early."

They were already halfway into the grand hall when they turned back and saw Ursa hesitating by the entrance, eyes anxiously flitting from pillar to pillar, and to the shadows they cast.


Ursa smiled reassuringly and smoothed out her clothes before taking the first, shaky step through the palace doors. "Sorry, I'm just... tired from all the excitement."

"I had the handmaidens prepare your old bedroom. It was left the way it was before you—"

"One of the guest rooms will be fine." Ursa trudged on ahead of them without looking back. She was all nerves, but not because of the ambush incident that happened on their way here.

The walls of this palace held too many of the memories of the past that Ursa had long wished and had forgotten.

Zuko felt her fingers twined with his own give an affirming squeeze. "She'll be okay, Zuko."

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