17: GRIP

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Author's Note:

Spoilers in this chapter through GA-S2-E3.

Important commentary about the story:

In some discussions I have had in the comments with Arizonaslesbianism, it was pointed out upon my request for honest feedback about favorite chapters of this story so far that the last chapter, "All About My Mom," was kind of... Boring. (And also that favorite chapters so far from them are "Angel," "Linoleum Roses," and "Sutures," which I empathize with, and I'll add that my favorite chapter thus far is "Anniversaries," because apparently I like writing pain...) And I'd also love to know your favorite chapters, too!

And I fully admit that that is completely true that last chapter was kiiiiinda boring; it's a darker take on canon with only one extended MerAdd scene with a hand placed on the shoulder and a tearful confession from Meredith about her mother.

So it's not super significant, and that's part of why it's an addition to the story. Why? Well, a big part of how abusive relationships function is that there are 'honeymoon,' periods in them when things are going good and wonderful, often after a crisis. This makes people in abusive relationships more likely to cling on, thinking that the 'bad times have passed,'. There are also dull periods in abusive relationships, where, after the cycle of good-bad-honeymoon is obvious to both parties, an abusive partner might lull a state of 'normalcy,' and 'complacency,' with their actions. Thereby inflicting no drastic measures either way, nor super bad nor super good.

This last chapter was a prime example, and it was subtle so I'm taking the time to show you if it wasn't noticed. No problem if it wasn't, I hadn't fully fleshed it out myself until last night. Remember, at the beginning of the last chapter while Addison was in Derek's trailer, Addison was almost willing to leave Derek and just take off on her own. At the end of the chapter though, after the scene with Addison and Derek with Izzie and the preemie in the NICU, Addison was wondering if Derek also, 'loved the way she lied to him,' but she wasn't thinking anymore about leaving him, only about staying.

They fall into the same patterns, the same routine... (Also Eminem lyrics).

Additionally, I hope it was clear in the last chapter that Addison 'has a thing,' for Meredith Grey, but she does not have the same feelings for Izzie Stevens.

Addison feels sexual and romantic and friendship inklings towards Meredith, and towards Izzie she just feels like Izzie could be a good friend or ally to her, and secretly wants Izzie to worry over her like she's worrying over the preemie as Addison also is.

That's just what I wanted to say, to make sure that was articulated. This is brought up because AddisonAddek had some lovely comments to say about Izzie being awkwardly in the middle there, which she was, which was funny in canon and in here, but darker here, of course.






Implied bad things are happening maybe?


Love The Way You Lie

Derek Shepherd, your husband, hits you- but you stayed until you couldn't stand up anymore. Your best friend Mark Sloan helped you leave him and you two had some adulterous sex. When you see Derek again in Seattle with another woman, all you want is to save her from him. You didn't mean to fall in love with her. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with you, either. But you both did, anyway.

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