Chapter Six. Dealing With It

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Both of our moms have left and it's just me and Daniel it this empty house. He does not want me here but oh well.

"Where's your bags?" He asks.

"Right here."  I say pointing to one suitcase.

"That's it?" He asks.

"Well, it's not that long." I say, "I know how to do laundry."

He nods and carries it up the stairs to a spare room.

"Thank you." I say.

"I'm not happy you're here, it's for my mom." He says.

I nod and begin to put my clothes in the spare dresser. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

"Do you know exactly how many days?" He asks.

I nod, "A week or so." 

"Or so?" He asks.

I shrug and sit on the couch, "Dinner?" I ask.

"How about Chinese food?" He asks.

"Sure." I shrug.

He picks up the phone and places a order before sitting next to me.

"Look, I'm sorry, I just don't need you around." He says.

"Why don't you like me?" I ask.

"I don't like a lot of people, you're in between." He says.

"Oh really?" I ask.

He nods and opens his mouth to speak but the doorbells interrupts. I watch as he opens the door and grabs the food.

"Smells delicious!" I stand and walk towards him.

"It's always good here." He says.

I grab a fork and take one of the boxes from his hands.

"What're you doing?" He asks.

"Eating." I say simply.

"Not with that." He points at the fork.

"What?" I ask.

"Chopsticks." He says handing them to me.

I roll my eyes and take them, beginning to eat, he turns the TV on.

"So... when'd you move here?" I ask.

"I grew up here." He laughs.

"Oh." I say feeling stupid.

"But... I've been in this house for two years now." He says

I nod and take a bite of my orange chicken, moaning in satisfaction. Food is my boyfriend.

"Stop that." He says sternly.

I look over at him confused but keep my mouth shut. A continue to eat while watching TV, he does the same.

"Are you happy here?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say, "It's not the best, especially my first day at school."

"Sorry." He says.

"No. It was better than any other time." I say.

"How does it usually go?" He asks.

"I usually end up hitting someone and getting suspended." I say smiling.

"What? you?" He asks.

I nod, "I'm a rebel." I laugh, "I had piercings."

"Cool." He says.

"When did you get your first tattoo?" I ask.

"When I was sixteen." He says, "You?"

"You have to keep quiet." I warn, "When I was ten."

"What?" He asks, "Why?"

I frown at the thought event though it was a while ago, "My dad chose the easy way." I stand sighing and walk upstairs to my room without a word.Why the hell did I even say that? He's a complete dick. 

"Night Mac."

I close my eyes tightly as tears run down my face. Why did tonight have to end like this?


I roll over groaning and open the door forgetting I was only in a bra and shorts.

"Shit. Sorry." I say running to my shirt.

Slipping it on quickly I look back at his grin.

"Hello?" I snap.

Daniel's POV

She's going to be the death of me. Holy shit, she's so hot. 

"Hello?" She snaps in front of my face.

"I...Good morning." I say.

She blushes making me grin, "Morning Danny."

"Okay see you down stairs." I say turning.

I hear her light laugh as I walk away, music to my ears. Sitting at the table Mac walks down in a pair of jeans and a white tank top.

"Hey." I say.

She runs her hand through her hair at looks at me with her blue eyes. How the hell does she have blue eyes and brown hair? 

"Hi Danny boy." She says.

As much as I hate to do this, she needs to stay away from me. 

"Don't call me that." I say sternly.

"Shut up." She scoffs.

"Just do me a favor and leave me alone." I say standing.

"Fine you ass!" She yells.

I walk up stairs full of anger so I punch the wall.

"Stop!" I hear her call.

She's just as bad as my mom. I hate that she does this, I literally hate her! 

"Go to school Mac!" I yell.

Soon enough I hear the front door slam making me sigh. I pull out my phone and dial my friend's number.

"Hey man." I say.

"Hey! what's up!" He asks.

"Come hang out." I say blankly.

"Sure dude." He says before hanging up.

Putting my phone in my pocket, I walk downstairs and sit on the couch. Pure bullshit. 

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