Chapter Sixteen. Horrible Date

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I wake up next to Daniel with his arms around my torso. Quietly, I pull out of his grip and put my shoes on. 

"Goody bye." I whisper before slipping out the door.

I feel guilty for leaving him like this, but soon our mothers would be home. It would be awkward to be found like that, but also, that moment couldn't last forever. 

I bounce down the steps and out the front door. My mom's car is parked in the driveway, I rush in to see my mom and Daniel's sitting on the couch.

"Hey mom." I say running my hand through my hair.

"Hey honey, how'd you sleep?" She asks.

"Um, good, wh- why do you ask?" I stutter.

"Because I'd like to know, we just got here." She smiles.

I sigh in relief, "Yeah, sorry, I'm just tired." I shrug.

She nods, "Okay, I'm going up stairs." I say.

"Is my son up?" Mrs. Carson asks.

"He wasn't last I knew." I say.

"Oh, okay." She nods.

I give her a small smile before rushing up the steps and into my room. Getting my mind off of things is all I want to do. Jack. 

Hey - Me

Hi, thought I'd never hear from you - Jack

Here I am - Me

Would you maybe want to hang out? - Jack

I think about it while staring at the screen.

Sure - Me

I just said yes to a date I don't want to go on with a guy I don't even like. Nice one Mac. Great, now I'm talking to myself. 

Remembering I need to change, I walk to my closet and look for an outfit. Picking out a black pair of ripped jeans, I grab a white crop top and army jacket. After, I pick my black Converse to go with it. 

"Honey?" My mom knocks on the door.

What did that trip do to her? Now she's saying honey too much. It was enough before.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Do you have plans?" She asks.

"Yes." I say blankly.

"With Daniel, I knew you liked him you kno-"

"No, with Jack." I interrupt, tying my shoe.

"Who's Jack?"  She asks.

"A friend." I clarify.

"You have friends?" She asks.

I roll my eyes, "Thanks."

I open the door with a swift motion, seeing my mom standing in the hall.

"What?" I shrug.

"You look..."

"Ugly. I know." I sigh, "I'm going."

She follows me down the stairs until I open the front door.

"Please be careful." She says.

"We're just hanging out mom." I say.

She smiles warmly at me before closing the door. I turn to see Daniel standing close to me.

"Hi." I say confused.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asks.

"Out." I say trying to get past him.

He blocks my way, "With who?" 

"If you must know," I cross my arms, "Jack."

"Jack?" He asks, "You like him?"

"He's my friend." I sigh, "And I need a distraction."

"I could be that for you." He whispers.

I shake my head ignoring the flames burning on my cheeks, "You are the thing I need a distraction from."

He nods, "That's all?" 

I nod and finally get past him, "Text me when you get back."

"If I feel like it." I shrug with a laugh.

He glares playfully as he makes his way back to his house.

I meet Jack at an old coffee shop. When I walk in, music fills my ears while I search for Jack. He sits with a smile at a small blue table.

"Hi." I wave.

"Hey, you look great." He compliments.

"Thank you." I nod, "Not too bad yourself."

"I know." He replies with a laugh.

He looks good but he's no where near Daniel's level. Is it bad to think of him while I'm out with Jack? Yes, very bad Mac! 

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, just lost in thought." I shrug.

He smiles while taking a sip of his coffee. We have a lot of fun, he tells me jokes and stories about his family. The more he talks the more I want to leave, I'm mean. He's really interesting and nice, but he's not doing it for me. When I get in my car to drive home my phone goes off for the one hundredth time today. All of the time I was with Jack, Daniel kept texting me repeatedly.

Mac? - D

What? - Me

Are you on your way back? - D

Yeah, finally - Me

What? Didn't like him? - D

I can see him evil smirk now.

He was so great! - Me

I over exaggerate.

Just get home safe - D

I shut off my phone and pull out of the parking lot, it's dark and I'm tired. As I drive it gets later, until I'm finally pulling into my drive way.

"Hey gorgeous." I hear.

I look out the window where Daniel stands.

"I'm so tired." I groan.

"Let's go." He opens the door for me. 

He pulls me out and carries me through the front door. I see my mom with a big smile.

I point at her with a playful glare, "Don't you dare."

"What's going on here?" She laughs.

Daniel shrugs, "Just taking a sleeping beauty to her castle."

"There better not be a kiss involved." She warns.

Too late.

Once he places me on my bed, I kick my shoes off and sigh. My feet ache and my head hurts.

"Thank you." I say closing my eyes.

"Yeah." He sighs, "How was your date?"

"Really?" I ask, "Amazing."

He stands quickly and begins to walk toward the door.

"Horrible." I whisper to myself before falling asleep.

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